Chapter 8: "Of course band has sluts!"

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I had given Sara advice on how to get Will's attention, even though she didn't really need my help with that. I wasn't sure Will thought of anything else other than her, but she wanted it so Nate and I obliged at helping two love birds get together. Plus if I was the one that succeeded in getting them together Ali would have to congradulate me and accept that I cared about something other than girls. Then I could win her over easily like I had done to the other girls. This was just part one of my plan, I can only hope it worked.

We were going to parade her around proudly for a full week so that her confidence could build and then she would feel comfortable when Will decided to break down. We had already spent two days dressing her up in dresses and skirts that did bring a lot of attention from guys, but was clear that she uncomfortable.  

She pulled at the hem of her newest dress that I had raided from my sister's closet. I wish I had taken a picture of her face when I showed her the dress I picked out. Her jaw dropped for a moment before she glared at me in pure hatred. She spun around a few times in front of us as she looked over the short dress. It clung to her curves and laid across her upper thigh in a proactive way. 

As a few boys passed, they whistled and tried to flip up the hem just a little bit higher. Of course, Sara wasn't going to have that and every guy that tried got slapped so hard that they had a red mark on their face. I'm glad for once I had kept my comments to myself, I didn't want to get slapped.

"I'm not wearing this." She stated as she walked back into the bathroom and went to change.

"Come on Sara!"

"Not all guys are like that!" Nate called, supporting me for the first time in days when it came to is sister-in-law.

I could hear Sara rummaging through her bag as we tried to talk her back into coming outside. She just ignored us completely and told us to shut up after a while. If those guys hadn't been so rude then maybe she would have actually had the courage to walk around school in a dress that showed her off as a beautiful girl.

Finally the bathroom stall opened and Sara walked out in a white dress that clung to her form, but flaired out around her waist. It was a white lace dress with a thin black belt, the strapless feature allowed us to see Sara's muscular frame from her swimming.

"This is much better. Sorry Jace, but I'm not a slut and I won't dress like one either." She said as she turned on a heel and walked back into the courtyard where she met Taylor and Ali in the mornings.

Nate and I followed behind her as we looked for Will. We knew he was about to break down and just take a chance at asking her. He was talking about her more and more often, and he went out of his way to see her during the day. Even if it meant being late to his own class, and Will was never late to class unless he had a good reason. That reason was about to be his girlfriend.

"Wow girl you look amazing. Where did you get that dress?" Tayor said spinning her finger so Sara would spin again.

"I got it from Marshals. Jamie took me shopping. Do you like it?" Sara asked with a laugh as she looked at Nate and I. 

"Whoa, Wait! You went shopping with your ex? Sara, I thought we talked about this..." Taylor started, but when Sara held up the wallet Taylor just laughed. "You didn't!"

"I did! He has such great taste doesn't he? I'm amazed he's not gay." Sara said with a laugh as she played with the hem of her dress.

"Who's not gay?" Will asked walking up behind Nate and I. The keys were swaying carelessly on the tips of his fingers as he came to a stop beside me. He looked between NAte and I before looking at Sara and Taylor.

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