Chapter 3: "I think he got hit by a frying pan actually."

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To the side is the reference to "The smolder" from Tangled and Sara's face when Will comes over to talk to her.

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Will drove us to school in his family's Mercedes on Monday, and frankly Nate and I were thrilled to get out of the car. His country music was starting to bother us and we had been in the car less than fifteen minutes. It was amazing how a guy that liked rock, rap, and some screamo could even think about liking country music. It didn't mix well in my opinion, or at least it just didn't make sense.

"You should really change the radio station. I think I figured out why you can't get a girl, it because you like that crap." Nate said jabbing his thumb in the direction of the car's radio.

"Some girls like it." Will said with a slight shrug.

"Yeah, your mom does." I said, getting a laugh from Nate who took it the wrong way. Truth be told all of Will's family liked country, we just enjoyed giving him a hard time about it. He didn't mind, a lot of people made fun of country music. Will just let it slide and moved on with his life.

"Funny. You're really funny, Jace." Will stated with sarcasm dripping from his words.

"I try. I seem to do pretty well too I might add."

"Well, I don't think you do too--" Will spaced out momentarily, he stopped almost dead in his tracks and was just staring ahead of him with focus. I followed his line of sight, at first I thought it hit a girl named Abby, who Will had a huge crush on for most of middle school and Freshmen year of high school, but when I tried again it hts Sara sitting on the bench just to the left of Abby who was talking with her friends.

Nate and I were thrilled when Will found a different girl to be attracted to. Abby hadn't really liked him and after she finally agreed to go with him to a dance, he learned he didn't really like her either. Let's just say they didn't have fun together and that looks aren't everything, but that dance brought him to trying to cheer Sara up after her boyfriend had ditched her. She was crying, and it made Will really protective for some reason even though he barely knew her. He had meet her three times during middle school and once during freshmen year, but he left us faster than lightning to make sure she was okay.

"Why not just go talk to her man?" Nate questioned.

"I don't know what I would say."

"Just go say hi." I said pushing him forward. He skidded to a halt and glared at me, not pleased with my actions to get him a date.

"Say she looks pretty today." Nate said with a smirk. Sara was dressed in skinny jeans and a blue plaid t-shirt that made her look like she belonged in Alabama, but she wore black combat boots that changed it to make it seemed like she was a military brat. She was dressed almost exactly like Will and didn't even know it.

Will had the same style shirt, just a lighter blue color and tan combat boots under his flared Levi jeans. He was born and raised a country boy, just not from Alabama, and he had no problem showing it while others wished he would. He could pull off a southern drawl anything he pleased and most found it entertaining.

"She's always pretty." Will answered Nate. At that moment a group of girls walked by us, and heard what Will had said.

"That's so sweet. You should tell whoever you were talking about that you think she's always pretty." A blonde haired girl named Rachel Payne spoke loudly from the group.

"I wish more guys would be like you." A brunette, who I went out with for two weeks and now could not for the life of me remember her name, glared at me with fury visable in her eyes.

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