Chapter 15 Final Three

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When Brian awoke, he heard the soft voice of Minty behind him, humming to a tune he never heard before. Brian tried standing up, only to realize that one of his arms was in a sling.
"Um thanks for the sling I guess." Brian said.
"Don't mention it." She replied, not glancing over at him.
"Who's even left?" Brian asked, hoping that it wasn't just them, Lewis, and Simon.
"I think it's just us, Lewis, and Simon left." She muttered.
Brian cursed under his breath and looked around as he sat up, looking at where Minty had set up her camp. He was in a forest, only reminding him of bad memories, and 3 beds were laid out.
"Who's beds are th-" Brian began to ask.
Minty seemed to be holding back tears when he asked.
"You know who they're for." Minty said sternly, still a sound of fear running through her voice.
"I'm sorry, Minty. For them both dying." Brian said.
"You- You don't understand. It's just 4 left. So, if you really want to, kill me. I honestly don't care anymore. I- I-" Minty started to tear up.  Brian went over to comfort her, but he got pushed away.
"I-I just need some alone time ok Brian?" Minty asked, her tears now gone.
"Ok. Sure. This has been hard on all of us." Brian said gently.
"Thank you.", She said, "Thank you."
She then hurried off into the forest, her sobs now kicking up again, louder than before. 
Brian didn't know what to do. It was only 4 people left, and he didn't want to die. He had already killed 3 people though, so how hard could it be?
His thoughts were interrupted by a cannon to his left, the direction Minty went off in.
"Fuck." Brian said quietly as movements could be heard through the the trees. How could have they found them so quickly? Brian used his one hand to lift himself up and pick up Martyn's sword Minty left. He began walking away from the camp, his breathing becoming more panicked and scared. He didn't want Minty to die, but she must've if Lewis and Simon had weapons.  He began picking up the pace, now into a jog, and now a run.  He looked behind him, only to see 2 figures at the camp.  Lewis and Simon were inspecting every nook and cranny for him, luckily finding nothing. He stopped and waited. As he waited, the sword in his hand started to glow.
"Not now!" Brian thought, concealing it from their view. Brian watched as a tiny sliver of green lift crept from the sword and wavered over his arm. Brian started to have that feeling he had before, when Martyn had healed him. The sensation lasted only for a few seconds before the sword grew dull again, but one thing stood out to him. Now, edged into the sword, was a simple word. Win.
Brian thought about it, still awed at the power Martyn and apparently the sword possessed, but came to a conclusion. They had to be on his trail at some point, and maybe now was as good as ever.  If he had to die, it would be in a heroic effect, not running for his life.  Brian started back to the camp, his body and mind coming up with a new motive and a new goal.  To not run, but win.

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