"Congratulations!" I gave him a grin which he returned.

"Well done man!" Jeremy said. Finn is not always in his best mood around Jeremy. He kind of ostracizes his cousin. But at that moment Finn was so happy that he could only grin at his cousin. I was happy that he was so happy. It seemed like nothing could break his happy mood.

I spoke too soon.

"You should quit from the team." Words fell out of Mrs. Black's mouth and so did Finn's smile from his face. "It's just some lame game. Students from several schools play this game. Not everyone becomes a football player. You won't too. Stop wasting your time in this stupid game and focus on your academics."

I was shocked at her words. She discouraged her own son like that. I hated her so much at that moment. Finn's expressions turned from happiness to anger. His eyes were hard as he glared at his mother. She glared back at him. Jeremy and I stood there awkwardly as Finn rose from seat and went upstairs to his room I assume.

I wanted to follow him and see if he was okay. There was a sound of door slamming and I sucked in a breath. I so badly wanted to reach him but I knew it was not the right time. He was too angry to listen to anyone.

"I think I should leave now." I mumbled taking my books.

"I'll walk you to your door." Jeremy followed behind me. Once we were out, he apologized for what went in inside.

"It's okay." I shrugged. "I was just surprised at Mrs. Black's reaction."

She had always seemed like a nice lady to me. But you can't know a person unless you see when they are wrong. I didn't like her. How could she do that? My heart ached for Finn. He was so happy. And she made him so angry. Why can't she be just happy with her son's choices. He's not thirty. He is only seventeen. If he won't do what he likes now then when will he do that? When he's sixty?

"Finn likes football but his parents don't like it. They want him to become a doctor. But he will probably faint while dissecting a frog." Jeremy chuckled with me.

I want to be a doctor. A cardiologist. My parents support me. I wonder if I chose any other career would they still approve of it. Something that they don't like. But what that would be? Yeah, I know.

"Don't tell him I told you that. He will kill me."

I laughed. "Don't worry. I won't." I assured him.

"So, what do you want to become?" I asked him.

"I want to be a pediatrician."

"Why pediatrician?" I frowned.

"I just do." He shrugged and I didn't probe further. We were at at porch of my house now.

"Thank you," I smiled at him.

"Anything for you," he said making me laugh. He walked away throwing "I'll see you tomorrow" over his shoulder.

I walked inside and went to my room thinking about Finn. I might know what he wanted to become a good boy. His parents didn't really like his playing football so I guess they didn't like his bad boy habits. Did he want to change for them? To prove himself to his parents.

I smiled sadly at the thought. A boy who wants to prove himself to his parents can't be living a happy life. He is must be a lonely soul. Parents are closest to our heart. If you have to prove yourself to your parents then you are not close to them and you are lonely at heart.

I was busy in my own thoughts when Regina walked in.

"I'm going yo grocery store, Aubrey. Do you need anything?" She asked.

I shook my head in negative. She was about to close the door when I called out her name. She gave me a quizzical look.

"Can I ask you something?" I was nervous about her answer to my next question.

"Yes," she leaned against the door. "Ask away."

"Um... would you mind if I um... if I wanted to become a stripper?"

Her eyes widened at my question. "What?"

I stayed quiet watching her reaction. And I could say she really didn't like my choice.

"Why are you asking that?" She walked to bed sitting at my side. "Do you want to become a stripper?"

"No, I'm just asking." I shrugged.

"No Aubrey. I won't like you to become a stripper." She expressed her concern. "But if you really... urgh... what am I saying? I really won't want my baby girl to do that. But still..." she covered her face in frustration. "I'd need a lot of time to think about that. But I'd rather prefer you to be a laborer than a stripper."

"And if I want to be an actor?"

"You have my support." She said immediately. I could see in her eyes. Anything but a stripper. She is from a catholic household. Even though her very extreme values have changed over time, she won't like me to be a stripper.

It's a shame how a society looks at a strippers. But this is a society after all. Thoughts don't change over a day. But I hope we can change them over a generation.

"Okay. And I don't want to become a stripper. It was just a random thought." What I have to strip for? I don't have a model's body or anything.

She smiled and left me to my thoughts again.


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