- C h a p t e r 22 -

Start from the beginning

"My Ada, are you certain that I can't convince you otherwise?" I heard the challenge in his voice, staring at his kissable lips in an attempt to avoid meeting his gaze.

With those tantalizing lips, he kissed me, stealing my breath, slowly moulding his lips into mine. I closed my eyes, thoroughly enjoying our closeness despite our disagreement. However, as much as I liked it, I pulled away, touching our foreheads together, turning to deny him further access to my lips. 

I bit my lip in anxiety, feeling the tempo of my heart beating against his solid chest. His hands slid from their grip on my thighs, roaming seductively against the small of my back, pressing me into his front even as I struggled to strangle a moan. 

One of his hands met the nape of my neck, tilting my head to grant him access. He attacked my jawline, peppering sweet kisses down the length of my neck, bringing me closer to the edge. His cologne filled my lungs, nearly rendering me defenceless as he gently bit at the hollow of my neck, sucking against my flesh. No doubt, a lovebite would be the aftermath.

"Nic-co ... lò, I-I need this ... to keep me-" I bit my bottom lip, fighting this attraction with whatever willpower I could scrape up. I tried to remove myself from on top of him but Nicky wasn't having it. I didn't think it was possible but he only pulled me closer. "-Sane."

"Just give me an hour, I'm quite capable," Niccolò whispered huskily against my skin, unfastening the buttons of my blouse to kiss the bare flesh. I hiccupped, sighing with pleasure. "Ti sarò molto utile." (I'll be very useful (to you).)

Suddenly, a knock sounded at the door, stunning us in place. It broke me out of the trance-like state Niccolò had subdued me in, as though whoever stood beyond the door, could see us in such a provocative position. 

Niccolò pulled away slowly, his blue eyes which had clouded over in desire finally meeting mine. My heart contracted at the sight, near beating out of my chest as he held me the way he did. We both said nothing but our raspy breaths filled the void, saying everything that could be said at that precise moment.

"Come on, lovebirds," Someone called from on the other side. I recognized it to be his younger sister Krysta, chuckling at the discovery, causing Niccolò's already hungry gaze to narrow to slits in annoyance. "Se vai ancora più piano mi farai arrivare tardi a scuola." (Any slower and you'll make me late for school.)

"I have got to hand it to your sister. Her timing is impeccable." I giggled, removing myself from his thighs before standing between them to peck Niccolò on his lips softly. I gathered his handsome face in my hands gently while he held the back of my thighs. 

Relief flooded my system the further I got from him and I sighed, thankful my willpower was enough that I didn't give in. My husband, however, groaned in frustration, eyeing me hungrily while I adjusted the buttons of my shirt again.

"Grrrr ..." was his response, causing me to almost lose my balance as I grew unsteady with laughter.

"I'll meet you downstairs, baby," I called over my shoulder and before he could offer any response, I slipped out of our bedroom. Krysta was no longer at the door and for that I was thankful. I don't think could face her, knowing what she suspected.

I descended the stairway, intent on visiting my papa before I left for work. 

His birthday would be in a few weeks. I'd always taken the day off to spend it with him because I really couldn't afford much else. I usually combed through his low hair with an afro-comb which helped to stimulate his scalp then rub aromatic oils against my hand before massaging his scalp. 

After, we'd complete crosswords puzzles together then play a game of chess, though with bottle-caps instead of chess knobs. I didn't have the patience for the sport though but he did. Tionnè would come over after work and indulge the old man in a good game. It wasn't the most extravagant but we'd always managed to make him smile and that's what made it all worthwhile.

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