Reality vs Fanfic

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1) When someone says they stared into someone's 'orbs'.

Ex: "I stared into Harry's orbs and couldn't help but think, man...those are some gorgeous orbs"

Hello...most people don't know what the actual heck an orb is. #translation?

Reality: "You're EYES are pretty."


2) When it's a 1D fanfic and the main character hates 1D but still gets dragged along to the concert anyway.

Ex: "Oh em gee! You like totally have to go to this 1D concert with me!

"But I don't like them."



Alright, if I invited someone to a 1D concert and they said they didn't like them, I'd give the ticket to someone willing. Like, I get it...we're friends and all, but I'm not gunna waste a front row ticket on a nonthankful poophead.



3) When the character and celebrity meets at Starbucks.

Ex: I walked out of Starbucks with my caramel mocha frappe in my hand. I was staring at the ground thinking about how ugly I am when I collided into a hard chest. I looked up and saw green ORBS piercing into mine. It was love at first sight.

Okay, I ain't gunna lie. I used that once...but, it was written better than that! And, it was a creative way of meeting the first two fanfics, now all of 'em happen the same darn way?! Also, I don't care what kind of thing you bought from Starbucks, just get the juicy part already!

Reality: I walked out of Starbucks with my coffee in my hand. I was staring at the ground, spacing out, because I have the attention span the size of a goldfish. I felt myself collide into someone and my coffee began to trail down my torso. I looked up at the person that did this. "You butt hole! Watch where you're going!" He shouted at me. "Whatever you curly headed creep."


4) Love at first sight.

Ex: I was at the concert in the fourth row dancing crazily to the music blasting threw the speakers. I looked up to the performer to see them staring intently into my ORBS. I felt sparks ignite throughout my body it was love at first sight.

Okay, I highly doubt that the performer will be focusing on you throughout his performance. When I focus on things, I lose track of thought. Love at first sight doesn't exist. Haven't you ever heard 'love is blind?' If you think you're gunna have some Romeo and Juliet shiz-nit then go ahead...just remember, they died in the end.

Reality: I was dancing like the crazy fangirl I was to the music being blasted into my ears. I looked up to the performer and saw him staring off elsewhere while singing the words perfectly because he was focusing on what's actually important.


5) Insecurities.

Ex: I stared at myself in the mirror and looked at all the fat that my body held. I'm so ugly.

Alright, when a character thinks they're ugly, the author describes them as some model looking person. They get told they're pretty everyday from someone new, yet they never believe it.

Reality: I looked into the mirror and noticed I was looking extra hot, like always! I grabbed my phone and took about 50 selfies and posted them on Instagram. #perfection


6) When the girl ends up marrying the guy she swore she hated with all her guts.

Ex: Harry called me a fat jelly donut so I ran home and cried. I hate you Harry Styles.

10 YEARS LATER: "Oh em gee (Y/N) is that you?"


"You look great. I'm sorry for calling you a fat jelly donut. Puberty did you well."


"Wanna go out with me?"


Okay, I think that if someone tormented me throughout my young years, I'd want to murder them or put them in a coma.

Reality: "Oh my goodness! (Y/N) is that you?"

"What the crap do you think butt whole?"

"What crawled into you're trousers this morning?"

"Shut the heck up. Back the truck up. And get out of my life you no-good British loser."


7) When someone explains who they are in the beginning of the story in long paragraphs.

Ex: My name is Amanda Richardson, I'm 18 years old. I live in Holmes Chapel,Cheshire, England. My parents are divorced and I'm an only child. I live with my mum. I have four really great best friends. We all are crazy obsessed freaks for One Direction. I stalk them in my free time and get peed off when they date other people that aren't me. I'm an outcast and a loser. Yada-yada.

Alright, you could have described that throughout the book. That's a lot of information to be thrown at me right when I click 'add to library'.

Reality: My name is Amanda Richardson and I'm 18.


8) When people steal scenes from movies and try to say it was their work.

Ex: Harry grabbed my hand and made me lay in the middle of the road, telling me to run in case a car comes. -A/N- okay guise! Like, seriously don't give me hate cuz u think I stole dat from da notebook. Nicholas Sparks ain't got nuttin on meh.

Okay, you're probably just some random 12 year that couldn't think of a better plot so you just thought of one of the most romantic movies and tried to make it you're own.

Reality: *reader reads* *reader types comment: you dumby that ain't your work!* *reader clicks 'delete'*


9) When the main character develops cancer.

Ex: I was at the doctors waiting for test results to come back. The doctor walked back in and shot me a look of sympathy. "I'm sorry, (Y/N) you have cancer.

Okay, I know cancer is a life threatening decease that anyone can get, but...people go overboard with the crap. It's okay when a few have the same story line, but when every fanfic that has a loss of sadness...BOOM there's cancer.

Reality: I was in the doctors office waiting for the results to come back. The doctor came in nonchalantly and stared at me. "You're fine," he said.


10) When people give Niall, Louis Harry, Liam, and Zayn the same character traits.

Ex: Zayn is the quiet bad boy. Louis is the loud obnoxious 21 year old who acts like a 4 year old. Niall is obsessed with food, specifically Nando's. Liam is the responsible one who has a fear of spoons. Harry is the flirt who can't keep anything in his pants.

Alrighty then! Those things are probably just created by paps who want to make you believe something.

Reality: They're normal teenage boys, other than the fact that they are world's most famous boyband.

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