Breeze*Chapter 3

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I whistled softly the tune of an old Taylor Swift song, walking to the beat down the street, wishing I had thought to bring headphones. Music was my life. Well, that, and then there was the whole saving the world shenanigan.

But you've already been told about that.

Saving the world is the reason I got out of bed in the morning, just knowing I had a purpose and everything. I loved knowing that because of me, one more family could remain complete, one more person could live a few more years. It was like telling a little kid he was a superhero. 

My best friends, Penny and Saturday, were the ones who kept me sane through the discovery of my telepathy, my shape shifting, helped me explore my powers and the limits of our uniqueness. They were my only anchor to the World where I couldn't do anything but read people's minds through their facial expressions. 

I pretended a lot, I acted like something I wasn't. My friends saw me as the brave, impulsive one, but I would never purposely hurt someone. Even during kick-boxing practice, I apologized every time I actually landed a punch. I would kill without hesitation, but then I would feel guilty about it ten seconds afterwards. But I never cried over spilled milk. 

Or spilled blood. 

I didn't cry period now that I thought of it. Whoever made me built me without emotion. I get angry quite easily, but I tend not to show it. I get sad, but I act happy like I've been doing it my whole life. My grandfather died, I didn't cry. My guinea pig dies, I didn't cry. My favorite character from The Maze Runner dies, I put the book in the corner and hug myself while I cry silently. 

I was weird like that. 

There were two things I was good at- sassing the crap out of someone, and making up really witty plans that usually don't work. I leave all the actual smart stuff to Penny. If you wanted a friendly conversation, go to Saturday, a smart-ass conversation, go see Penny. If you wanted someone to talk to you about who was with who or how to get a girl or boyfriend, Monty's your girl. If you wanted someone who likes to make a joke out of everything and makes random references and speaks to fast, come on down, my door's always open. 

That's a lie, my door is always closed. I spend all my time in my room. Or with my friends saving the World. 

I paused in front of the church. I wasn't religious, not really, but here I felt the closest to one of my favorite Worlds- the Supernatural Realm. The angels and demons, the form I took when there. It was an amazing feeling to be so powerful. 

It was even better when my friends were with me. 

Sorry this was a kinda weird chapter. Let me know if you like one character more than the other, or if you like one POV better than another. I'm doing Monty then I'll start the actual story. Vote, comment, share, and I'll see you in the next chapter.

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