Penny>Chapter 2

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"Well, obviously," I said to my book as I closed the cover. I swear, most of the conflict in "fictional" works are just the characters being fucking STUPID. 

It's all like "Hmm, I wonder what will happen if I pull this trigger" *character pulls trigger* "Oops I just shot my best friend. OH WELL!" I mean seriously! What, do the authors like writing as stupid characters, because it sure as hell seems like it. 

Penny *inserts secret middle name* Lucid here, to give you a more sassy, more opinionated, more logical looks at the outcomes of our lives. Our as in me, S, Breeze, and Monty. I assume Saturday- S as I like to call her, much less for a mouthful- has already told you about us. 

Yeah, we're supposed to save the World.

I really couldn't care less. Honestly, I'd much rather cuddle up with my black cat Grimm with a cup of tea and a good book- and before you ask, no, I am not British, I just love tea. If you want a "person" completely obsessed with British people and things, go talk to Breeze, because I'm not helping you there. Want to engage in a conversation about whether or not Dan and Phil are actually dating? Go talk to Breeze! Want a lengthy explanation on a deduction half made by guesswork in the tone of Sherlock Holmes? Go ask Breeze, I'm sure she'll be happy to oblige. What to know what the difference between the British and American government? Go ask Breeze.

No, seriously, go ask Breeze,  I really want to here her try to explain that. I'm the smart one here. 

However, if you'd rather talk about who just started dating who, and catch on the latest gossip, talking to Monty might be preferred. I don't know how she keeps track of everything, and frankly, I don't want to know, but from what I've heard, she can get you with anyone, and tell you if someone's with anyone, and can supposedly also break your heart in less than two weeks. 

So look forward to that! 

And if you want to talk about the newest Red VS Blue season, or how awful bullying is, or how we really need to make a change, and do something, then go talk to Saturday. 

If you want to be given a sarcastic answer because everything that comes out of your mouth is obvious, come talk to me. Sarcastic and/or sassy answer guaranteed! 

I tossed to old book to the side and stood up to stretch and get another book. Maybe I'll read The Dead Girls Of Hysteria Hall again. That was a good one. I don't know, and frankly I don't care. 

Speaking of not caring, how did Saturday convince me to write this? Or was it Breeze that said it was a cool idea? Ugh, I had promised I wasn't going to write fan fictions! Well, at least this isn't fiction. Adios bitches!

Hope you enjoyed Penny's POV. Isn't she the sassiest little shit? Next will be Breeze, I'll get that up hopefully by the end of the weekend. After Monty's I'll actually get into a plot and stuff, but you have no idea how much fun writing as Penny is. So many caps and italics XD. Thank you for reading and I will see you... in the next chapter! Bye bye!

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