Treasures/ A not so friendly encounter

Start from the beginning

(Harry's POV)

I was walking through the courtyard with Rachel and Ron. Rachel was carrying her books in front of her as she walked, both of us listening to Ron as he talked about how great Quidditch was when all of a sudden two pairs of hand grasped each of my shoulders. "Hey, well done, Harry, Wood's just told us!" Fred congratulated me. "Yeah amazing job, Harry. Being seeker sounds exciting" Rachel praised. I felt heat rise to my cheeks as she smiled at me. After Fred and George mentioned how violent Quidditch was I was unsure if I wanted to play. ""Bye Rachel"" Fred and George chorused as they scampered off, Rachel gave them both a small wave as they ran off. "Since when are you so popular?" Ron questioned. "Dunno" She shrugged. "Oh, go on, Harry, Quidditch is great. Best game there is!" Ron encouraged. "But I've never played Quidditch, what if I make a fool of myself?" "You won't" Rachel reassured. I smiled at her. "She's right, Harry, you can't make a fool of yourself it's in your blood" Hermione piped up from seemingly nowhere. She drags us all to a trophy case in the trophy room and points out one with my dads name on it. I gawked at it. "Wow" Rachel said in amazement. "Whoa! Harry, you never told me your father was a seeker too" "I-I didn't know" I stuttered full of shock. I had no idea my father was a seeker. I guess it was in my blood. "Merlin's beard! Rachel look! Your father's on here too!" Ron exclaimed pointing at a trophy with the inscription 'Leonard Church, Slytherin Seeker/Captain, 1972-1977' on it. "No way, your father was also a seeker, you two have a lot in common" Hermione wiggled her brows at me causing me to blush once more. "He was Captain too, never mind being a Slytherin" Ron said dismissively. Surprisingly Rachel took no offense to Ron's comment, she was too busy starring at another trophy in the far corner of the case. "What is it Rachel?" Hermione questioned as she went to see what she was looking at. "Is that-" "-My mom" Rachel confirmed. I looked over her shoulder and noticed a trophy similar to the others with the inscription 'Allison Jade Mellor, Hufflepuff Keeper/Captain, 1975-1979' "That's your mum?" Ron questioned curiously. Rachel's expression turned grim. "It was" "She was an amazing player" Hermione said as she patted Rachel's shoulder comfortingly. "Rachel you have to try out for Quidditch, you were born for it!" Ron exclaimed. "I have to wait till next year, not even my father can pull those kinds of strings" She informed him. "Yeah, I guess" Ron huffed. I really don't understand why he seems more excited for other people to play Quidditch rather than himself. "Don't worry Rachel, I bet you'll make a great...uhh Quidditch player" I stumbled over my words. "Smooth~" Ron muttered behind me. "Shut up" I whisper yelled at him causing him to smirk in reply. "What Harry means to say is you could either be a Seeker or a Keeper, it's up to you but there no doubt that whatever it is you'll be great at it" Hermione jumped in. Thank Merlin for her quick remarks, she saved me on that one.

*Time Skip brought to you by a not so fluffy, Fluffy*

We soon left the trophy room and where headed to the Gryffindor common room, minus Rachel and Hermione who were both headed to the library to spend the rest of the evening studying. I honestly don't know how they enjoyed studying so much. We were heading up the stairs when I glanced at Rachel, since we had left the trophy room she'd barely said anything. She was usually a talkative person but now she was silent with a blank expression on her face. I'd never seen Rachel look so dull and un-involved. It saddened me and I wanted to ask what was the matter but I knew she wouldn't answer truthfully. I felt it had something to do with seeing her mums trophy. So many times she'd talked to us about her sister and father but never really mentioned anything about her mother. Ron had brought up the subject once asking Rachel what her mum thought about her being sorted into Slytherin, she avoided the question by stating 'It was either Slytherin or Hufflepuff, we all know I'm not the Hufflepuff type' to which we all laughed off. At this point I had three theories, either her mum left her as a child, Rachel hated her or she died, I didn't dare ask her which one it was for fear that I'd either anger her or make her cry. I'd make it my goal to find out what was bugging Rachel and make it right. Suddenly the stairs jerked causing us all to grip the railings in order to steady ourselves.

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