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*Kellin's POV*
I've never felt so vulnerable in front of someone, especially someone who didn't know anything about me.

"Why'd you want to jump off the bridge?" He asked, breaking the silence.

"Because life sucks without my mom," I mumbled.

"Suicide isn't the answer, it's a permanent solution for a temporary problem."

I rolled my eyes, "Could you be any more cliché?"

He laughed nervously, "I'm sorry, but can you really blame me? I nearly had a heart attack and almost caused an accident down there when I saw you up here."

"How'd you see me?" I wondered.

"Sadly, I had a friend who jumped off this bridge and I vowed that every time I passed by I would glance up to see if anyone tried to do what she did..."

I felt extremely guilty for putting him through this, "I... I'm sorry."

He sighed, "I wasn't able to save her but I was able to save you," we looked up at the same time, our eyes connecting, "You're too beautiful for this world to be without you."

I quickly looked away, blushing. It was dark and I was grateful that he couldn't see it. I felt butterflies in my stomach, what was he doing to me? I needed some vodka to drown these little mother fūckers.

"Why'd you risk yourself by climbing up here? I could've pushed you down with me," and there went the nice moment with my morbid thoughts.

He shrugged, "You never know unless you try. I think it would've been worth it."

"What are you going to do now? Take me to a mental hospital or something?" I shuddered at the thought of going back there.

"Well, I, uh," he cleared his throat, "Unfortunately, I have to. It's my protocol, I started working at one about a week ago."

"You're a psychiatrist?" It didn't take a genius to know that studying for this major took years, and he looked nowhere near that old to study for that long.

"Yes, I am. Now please, if you let me help you get through this, we can do it together," he gave me a reassuring smile.

I realized this could be the first step to my recovery, he was my sunshine on a cloudy day.

"Alright, we can do this. Together."

It took everything in me to not just jump while we were going down, but he trusted me. This amount of trust could get him killed, or maybe even the both of us. We were now in his car, heading to I don't know where.

"I'm sorry but I never asked for your name," I said awkwardly.

"My names Vic," he smiled, "What's yours?"

"Kellin," I said shyly.

I took this opportunity to take a good look at him while his eyes were on the road. He had shoulder length, brown curly hair, and nice tan skin. I remembered when we made brief eye contact, his light brown eyes looking into my soul... whatever was left of it.

I looked out the window, it was crazy how my mind was all set yet this little brown man came along to stop me and I gave in. I guess I was more vulnerable than I thought I was.

"So, Kellin, what's a place you wish you could visit?"

I was taken a little aback by his random question, "Gee, uh, I dunno, maybe Japan?"

"Interesting," he said, was he already starting his therapy sessions with me?

"Y-Yeah," I tried to be polite, "What about you?"

"Well I don't think I've found a place yet," he shrugged.

"Tell him you want to fūck him," I heard Danny say from the backseat, making me jump.

"You okay?" Vic asked cautiously as he quickly glanced at me.

"Um, y-yeah," I sighed, this was going to be an awkward car ride.

It was a pretty interesting having a decent conversation with Vic while on our way to the ward, except for Danny's rude comments every once in a while. I learned lots of things about him, from his favorite color to his college life and I don't think he realized he spilled all that out.

We were about to enter the building but I stopped, making Vic stop a few steps away, "I think I need a minute."

He came towards me, "Take your time."

After a few minutes of concentrating on my breathing, I felt somewhat ready, "Vic, c-can I hold your hand?"

He nodded, "Of course," he held my hand and I intertwined my fingers with his, receiving a curious look from him.

"Now I'm ready, promise me you won't leave me alone?"

"I promise."

"He's lyingggggg," I heard Danny taunt behind me, I ignored him because I knew Vic couldn't leave me.

I wouldn't let him.

*:.. o(≧▽≦)o ..:*
Haha this is such a crappy chapter but I promise I'll get things moving in the next one.

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