2.2 - Damon Salvatore?

Start from the beginning

And from what she could tell – he seemed to like her more than a friend would. Otherwise, he probably wouldn't have stayed in Mystic Falls ... because of her.

And at that moment ... her mind was set.

"Where are you going?" Bonnie was the one to ask as the three of them watched when Olivia got up from her chair, throwing her bag over her shoulder. A look of determination set in her features.

Olivia glanced over to her with a smile, "Caroline's right." Surprising them all by her admittance, "I need to stop acting like such a wimp and do something about the fact I've never had a romantic guy in my life. If I stay here long enough, I'll just convince myself not to go ... so, I'm going."

Caroline watched with her grin on her lips, seeing Olivia walk away from 'The Grill' in a fast pace. She sat back, looking smug with pride – Stefan was doing wonders for that girl.

~ 8 ~

It felt like only a few minutes had gone by the moment Olivia found herself on the front porch of the Salvatore Boarding house. This morning flashed through her mind once but it went away as she knocked on the door, but unlike this morning, the door was already an inch open. So when she knocked, the door just opened a little wider.

Olivia frowned, a little uncertainty creeping into her gut. She tried listening with her vampire hearing to see if anyone was home – but she couldn't hear any breathing. Zach obviously wasn't home and she didn't know if Stefan was there, vampires don't really have to breathe so she probably wouldn't have been able to pick him up anyway.

Without listening to the uneasy feeling in her gut, she pushed the door open just a little wider, just enough so her body could just about poke through – she had already been invited in, so there was no barrier keeping her outside.

"Stefan?!" She called loudly, knowing that if he were here – he should have answered. But no answer came.

Over to the side, she noticed Stefan's school bag sitting on one of the chairs and she frowned deeper. She walked in a little more, "Stefan?!" She called again, maybe he hadn't heard her?

It was only then that she really took in the sight of the inside décor, "Wow." She breathed, looking up and around – the place looked ancient but in a good way. Everything looked old ... very old. It was amazing.

Suddenly a creaking sound hit her ears, causing her to spin around in the direction of where it came from. The front door – it was now opened wide, not how she had left it before. The wind couldn't have opened it to that extent because there was no wind today. She narrowed her eyes, trying harder to listen out – someone was here, she was sure of it. But at this moment, she didn't believe it to be Stefan.

She was trying so hard to figure out if there was anyone else in the Boarding house, that she didn't realise until a screeching sound appeared out of nowhere – a crow flew past her, making her jump nearly out of her skin. But then the familiar whooshing sound that she usually made with vampire speed sounded behind her, making her twist back around in an instant. Nearly with a vampire speed herself.

The next thing Olivia realised was that when she turned around, someone was standing there – but not a someone she had met before. It was a man a bit older than Stefan but a lot younger than Zach, he had dark clothing on and a cocky smirk on his face – he had his head tilted towards her, his smirk widening. This made Olivia narrow her eyes.

"Who're you?" She questioned, never seeing him before. Her eyes pierced even harder when she took note of how pale his skin was – just like hers and Stefan's. Looking down at his hand – he also had a ring similar to Stefan's.

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