2 | Mine

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You are mine.

His last words plagued your thoughts, echoing throughout your mind and sending shivers down your spine.

You are mine.

The force he had put on the word 'mine' terrified you, as if you had been some sort of... object? As if you were something that he could keep on display in his room for the galaxy/-or just him—to see.


You gulped at the way the word rolled off of his tongue, the amount of possession being enforced. Those three words haunted you, your heart now in your throat as the amount of pressure from its pounding vibrated through your ears.

I am no ones, but my own.

Or at least you tried to convince yourself. You didn't have that kind of will to just yell it to him, you feared the man more than you could have ever imagined. In simplest terms, you were scared. Sure, you liked to believe you could handle yourself—after all, your brother was never really seen as your parents worked with the resistance—ninety percent of the time you were on your own. But now, now you felt as if you shed that bravery and gained a new exterior that was fear itself.

If I am his, then why am I locked up like a hostage?

The sudden sound of your thoughts made you cringe, your body scrunching up as you winced. It wasn't the same, not the voice you adored hearing—no—it was a voice that sent panic throughout your entire soul rather than bliss. Your mind wasn't safe any longer, not just because Kylo could easily tap into it, but because his voice was all you could hear.

It was impossible at this point to somehow change it to be your own, it wasn't that simple, having a soulmate literally meant having their voice forever. Forever? There goes another cringe. You weren't ready to live the rest of your life having his voice speak your thoughts, now that you know who he is.

"Out of all people, why me?" This time, you spoke out loud, not wanting to hear his glum voice. You prayed there was something—someone—out there that could save you from the hell you were now in. You didn't deserve this! You were a young woman living a civil life off on a small planet that was quite peaceful... what did you do to get yourself into such trouble? "It isn't my fault... It was destined to happen, this was the 'run in' grandmother informed me about."

Letting out a small sigh, you felt your back slowly sliding down the wall, your bottom now hurting from the amount spent sitting flat on the ground. You didn't dare lay, nor touch, anything in the room. This wasn't your home, this place was nowhere near welcoming, it was like your own cell in hell.

A wave of trembles hit you, your body not being properly covered up from the cold temperature being spread throughout wherever you were. You were in your pajamas, a simple night dress that went just above mid-thigh that had thin straps, this wasn't meant for anything under room temperature. Which made you think, where were you?

The walk you had taken over to the cell (which you were nicely escorted by a pair of stormtroopers) Kylo Ren had moved you to was a bit unusual. The halls were so monotonous, only three colors seen throughout—black, white, and silver. On occasion, you'd see red on the patches of the uniform the men (you assumed to be) ranked First Order members.

Feeling the darkness that is terror slowly consume every cell in your body, a sudden knock on the door snapped you out of the menacing trance. "The commander would like a word with you." Looking up from the black tiled ground you had been staring at, a stormtrooper stood there, blaster held in it's usual position as they awaited your approach.

Soul Mate | Kylo Ren x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now