Anniversarie Catasthrope (Part 2)

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A.N: I'm sorry to give you that part of the story, I know it's kind of sad, but I know what I'm doing to the story, it's already settled. Now what will happen to McGee? Will there be some sort of miracle come to them? Let's find out in the final chapter.

  Gretchen felt so sad. She didn't think that this day would ever come to her life. She saw McGee lay on the cabin's bed. Both Gretchen and Squirt had already brought McGee back into the cabin. It's kind of tearing her heart.

Gretchen's POV

  Why you? Why you, McGee? Why now? On your birthday. It felt quite pain to feel those memories flew through my mind. I would be happy and proud to him because he saved my life, but why he sacrificed his life instead? My mom said that I had to be strong in any challanges in my life, but now I just couldn't do that, it's too tough for me to handle. I looked at his face and a feeling of happy, sad, mad, and confused mixed up in my mind.

Gretchen: "McGee...!"

  I hold his hand. His hand is cold, but instead I feel warmth. I turned around and I saw a coffin that has been prepared for him. I walked into that coffin and get a marker to write "Love You" on a paper and slipped it into the coffin. I walked away and leave the cabin. It's just too hard for me.

Normal POV

  Gretchen left the cabin and looked for a place for alone. What she didn't know is that the slipper is going to do the magic.
  Suddenly Suzi showed up in front of him wearing blue ball gown and blue earrings that matches with the colour of the gown.

Suzi: "Hey Gretch, what's up?"

  Suzi acted unnormally that what she usually does. It's like she fell under a spell.

Gretchen: "Suzi? Is that you? What happened?"
Suzi: "I was suppose to ask you the same thing."
Gretchen: "McGee died."
Suzi: "What?! How can this thing happened?!"

  It's really unnormal for Suzi. If she heard this, she surely beaten her up on the first place. But she kept answer.

Gretchen: "He fell from a cliff."
Suzi: "Now where is he?"
Gretchen: "In the cabin."
Suzi: "Let's go then."

  They both ran into the cabin and saw McGee lay on the bed.

Gretchen: "There he is."
Suzi: "Well, how we're going to heal him?"
Gretchen: "I don't know."
Suzi: "Is there in any way a magic that could make him alive again?"
Gretchen: "Well, I don't know."
Suzi: "Maybe I know."

  At this moment, Gretchen is kind of confused. How on earth did Suzi know about magic? Suddenly the Suzi turned into someone which she recognized very well.

Gretchen: "Ann!"
Ann: "Oh, Gretchen! It's good to see you again."
Gretchen: "So how can I fix this thing?"
Ann: "As I told you, the glass slipper made with a touch of magic. You're one step closer to both of your problems."
Gretchen: "What is the answer?"
Ann: "(chuckles) You'll know it when you feel it."

  Freanna then disappeared in a folk of clouds, leving Gretchen with much clear clue to find the answers.

Gretchen's POV

  She said that my answer is one step closer. I tried to figured out what is the missing part. Okay, now I know that this slipper made with a touch of magic. Suddenly I remembered that only pure love may fix the slippers. Then, I realized that I could gain pure love from... McGee. That's it, McGee is the answer. One question, how I'm going to do this? Is it possible that I have to...? Oh, I really need to think another way, but I couldn't find it.

Gretchen: "Okay, I have to do this."

  I turned around to see him, still on the bed the way that he supposed to be. I approached him with all my mights. Hopefully, this is going to work. I did this, for me and for him. I leaned my face close to him, tears flowing through my face.

Normal POV

  Her face got closer to him, and it happened. Their first kiss. She really love him very much. She finally get it, all of this happened so that Gretchen could gave the best present for him, and what didn't even better that a true love kiss. She broke apart from him, hopefully it'll work. She hugged him tightly, not wanting to lose him. Suddenly she felt arms hugged her back, and to her reliefs, it's McGee, he's alive.

Gretchen: "McGee!?"
McGee: "Oh, Gretchen!"

  They finally hugged each other again. It is totally the best day in their live. The broken slipper finally become intact and the slippers turned back to her normal shoes.

5.30 p.m. - Messhall

  The whole bottom dwellers, campers and counselors, celebrate this happy day. They all cheered and the whole camp filled with happiness, especially Gretchen. She really enjoyed it so much. The memory of McGee died suddenly like flew from her mind just that. McGee wore a leather coat and trousers with brown leather shoes and a fedora, while Gretchen wore a beautiful blue gown dress and holding a glamour parasol on her hand.

Gretchen: "McGee, there's one thing left that I have to give you."
McGee: "What is that?"
Gretchen: "Follow me!"

  McGee followed Gretchen outside. She opened the parasol and use it together. Then they walked outside. She guided him to a bench on the shore.

Gretchen: "Please sit down!"
McGee: "Okay, my lady!"

  It's kind of cute to hear that McGee just called her "my lady".

McGee: "What is the surprise?"
Gretchen: "Well I want to say thank you to you."
McGee: "Me? For what?"
Gretchen: "Well in my life, I didn't like boys very much. But when you showed up in my life, that thought changed. You're not like the others, you're special."
McGee: "Well, thank you."
Gretchen: "And I must say that there is some kind of feelings that lies inside of me about you."
McGee: "Really? Me too!"
Gretchen: "And I want to say that... that I... I love you."
McGee: "I love you too, Gretchen."

  Then they leaned their face together and that is the most romantic things in their lifes, a kiss on the shine of the sunset on the atmosphere.


A.N: This story is officially reached the end. Thank you, for all of you, my loyal readers for your votes and comments. See you another time in another story, good bye!

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