The Night Part 1

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Well, as I said before, they all prepared for the Sunny Smile's Beauty Contest. Both McGee and Squirt all ready with McGee wears a black tuxedo, blue jeans and a leather black shoes and Squirt wears a green tuxedo with green trousers and brown leather shoes. They both wait for Gretchen in the side of the lake.

McGee : "Man, where is Gretchen?"
Squirt : "I don't know but I think she wears a lot of makeup this time."

Suddenly Gretchen showed up with red dress, blue purse and of course, her glass slipper.

Squirt : "Wow, it's so beautiful Gretchen."
Gretchen : "Yeah, thank you."
McGee : "Yeah, yeah, we waste a lot of time. Now let's go."

McGee look a his watch, it was already 7.30 p.m. and they were rushed up to their little boat. They were about to get in when someone suddenly appeared and surprised them. It's was the old wizard.

Wizard : "No, no, no... that was terrible."
Gretchen : "Oh, my old wizard!"
Wizard : "Oh, little Gretchen."
McGee and Squirt : "WHAT?!"

Both McGee and Squirt only stared at them suprised like they both were friends. Gretchen realized and introduce the old wizard to them.

Gretchen : "My friends, this is the old wizard."
Wizard : "I don't like that phrase. Call me Freanna!"
Gretchen : "Okay, so you know she said she is Freanna."
McGee : "So everything is clear that you are a wizard... and what did you mean about 'that was terrible' in the first place?"

She thought for a second and finally she come with an answer.

Freanna : "Well you see that gown isn't fit all to her."
McGee : "What do you mean?"
Freanna : "You see... she needs something gorgeous."
Gretchen : "Then, what should I wear?"
Freanna : "Hmm... I know something."

Then, she waved her wand and then Gretchen fitted with a lovely XVIII (18th) century ball gown with lovely flowers around it. She saw her gown and said....

Gretchen : "Wow... this is lovely, but it's too gorgeous."
Freanna : "Believe me, it'll suite with your glass slippers."
McGee : "Yeah, it's perfect."
Gretchen : "Okay, if you said so."

So she wore the gown to the contest. They get to the little boat. Then, the wizard stop them again.

Freanna : "Not on that boat."
McGee : "But, it's the only boat we have."
Freanna : "No, she deserves something better."

She once again wave her wand and turn the little boat into a mini cruise. They both awe to the mini cruise plus with its colour that is gold.

Three of them : "Wow...."
Gretchen : "This is... beautiful."
McGee : "You might want to say it again."
Freanna : "What are you doing? Don't only stare at the cruise, get in."
Three of them : "Okay."

They hop on to the cruise, McGee is handing the steer. They rush up to Camp Sunny Smile.

Freanna : "Have fun, everyone."
Gretchen : "Okay, we will."

Outside of Gretchen, it seems that everything is okay, but in inside, there's still something that frightening him.

While In Camp Sunny Smile

They all prepared the stage for the beauty contest. Suzi approaches Buttsquat wearing her white ball gown.

Suzi : "Buttsquat! You'll becoming the judge and make sure that I win, or at least better than Gretchen."
Buttsquat : "But, it's all settled that I become the host."
Suzi : "Do you want to change my place?"
Buttsquat : "No, I don't."
Suzi : "Then... BECOME THE JUDGE!"
Buttsquat : "Wait, if I become the judge, whose become the host?"
Suzi : "Ask McGee, why is that thing so hard for you."

After that, the cruise already in the harbour.

Suzi : "Whose cruise is that?"
Buttsquat : "Maybe it's the VIP guests', I think."

But they were surprised to see the bottom dwellers (McGee, Gretchen and Squirt) come out from the cruise.

McGee : "What are you looking at, Buttsquat?"
Buttsquat : "Oh, just the view of the lake."
McGee : "Okay, so... let me present, Princess Gretchen from Camp Lakebottom."

Gretchen came out in a beautiful dress and everyone glared at her in awe, everyone except Suzi.

Suzi : "Gretchen, how did...?"
Gretchen : "No need to surprise, Suz. The total makeover just started."

She continue walking without getting any words out of Suzi.

Buttsquat : "McGee, it's great that you come because we need a host."
McGee : "Okay, a great time to make me famous."

So in some minutes, the beauty contest finally started.

To be continued

A.N : Sorry it took me long enough to make this short chapter because I was very busy with my other stories and school. I also wanted to sorry if the previous chapter is too short, I try to make a longer one.

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