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Shit, what? I was going to be kissed by Kylo, was Kyle going to approve of this? I looked at Kylo, I was confused but she seemed to be smiling. I'm going to stage kiss you, she mouthed the words. I expected her to kiss me when she cupped my cheeks but she didn't, she just rested her face in between her hands. Suddenly, she was kissing me! I pulled away and I knew I was blushing, I looked over at Kylo and she was somewhat looking at me behind her blonde hair.

"Wow, nice try, Kylo," Shannon said, "Trying to stage kiss, that wouldn't have worked if Paul didn't point that out."

Kylo flipped Shannon off, "Whatever, Shannon, I dare you to kiss Paul."

"But, no, no, I CHICKEN! I FORFEIT!"

I laughed and everyone laughed, we played and recorded for a couple more hours. I felt my eyelids droop in tiredness, I also had to go to the bathroom. I walked into the bathroom and found Kylo bleaching her hair, for the third or forth time now? She smiled at me and started to rinse it out, her hair was almost white now.

"My hair has never been soooo dry." She said, now drying her hair

I smiled, "So, what colour you going to dye it?"

She had a look of confusion on her face, "I don't really know, I'm probably going to go back get the Aqua Blue, Banana, and Electric Lizard colours."

I nodded, "Cool."

She yawned and stretched, "And, I don't think I've ever been more tired in my life, night Danny."


I walked out of the bathroom and grabbed the My Chemical Romance blanket I bought from Hot Topic and wrapped myself with it, I laid down next to the couch and rested my head on the stacks of clothes filled Hot Topic bags. I yawned once more before closing my eyes, letting sleep take over my system.


I opened the fridge door and grabbed a monster, I closed the fridge with my foot as I opened it. I took a few sips before making my way to the couch, I stepped over a sleeping Kylo and sat down next to my girlfriend.

"Today was amusing," Alex said smiling, "Especially truth or dare."

I nodded in agreement, "Yeah, got to get Danny and Kylo's kiss in the video."

Alex looked at the sleeping Kylo, "What should their ship name be?"

Author's Note

What should Danny and Kylo's ship name be?

#Dylo or your suggestion.

The one most suggested in the comments will the official ship name of Danny and Kylo. Also, sorry for the short chapter. I know the chapters are particularly long and what not, but I had to end it with Alex's question: What should their ship name be?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2016 ⏰

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