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I laughed as Kylo's skateboard hit a rock and she fell, this was definitely going on my blog. She rolled onto her back and covered her face, no she wasn't crying. She was laughing, she laughs at her own pain sometimes. She did it when we went to get her eyebrow pierced, it kind of scares me sometimes. When we were little, she had broken her arm but she wasn't crying as if it didn't take hurt her. When we went to her arm put into a cast, it was revealed that she couldn't feel any physical pain. I walked over to her, I held my hand out and she grabbed it and pulled herself up.

"Thanks bro." She smiled, revealing perfectly straight and white teeth.

A lot of people mistake Kylo for a girl named Madison Beer, but Kylo laughs and goes along with it until she gets bored. Ky grabbed her skateboard and picked up her hat that had fallen off, she grabbed my phone (which was still recording) and ran off it while laughing. She put her board on the road and started skating away, I had to run after her because she rushed me out of the house and made me forget my penny board.

"KYLO!!" I yelled, trying not to trip over my own two feet while running after her.

She seemed to be talking on the phone, no longer vlogging with it. Who was she talking to? I caught up to her, she had stopped to pay attention to whoever she was speaking to.

"So, your and Kyle's ship name is Kohnnie?"

My eyes widened, SHE WAS TALKING TO JOHNNIE!!! I didn't want to introduce her to my friends until we left in about a week, Johnnie must've called first because Kylo doesn't know my passcode. I poked Kylo in the left side and grabbed my phone, she stuck her tongue out at me and I flipped her off.

"Hello? Kylo, you there?"

I smiled, "So you talked to her?"

I knew Johnnie was smiling, "Kyle! Yeah, she seems pretty nice, how's my second main chicken bro?"

I smiled, "Good, was heading to the store with Kylo, are we shooting the video on Monday next week?"

Johnnie sighed, "Change of plans, Bryan wants to shoot it in two days because we leave for Warped next Monday."

"Dammit, I'll see if K-"

"LETS GO TO LA EARLY!!!" Kylo screamed, clearly knowing what I was about to say.

Johnnie laughed, "Seems like you got Kylo's answer, I guess if you leave in about an hour you'll get here by about 4 AM tomorrow."

"Okay, see ya soon."

I hung up and grabbed Kylo home, she stayed on her skateboard so it wasn't hard to drag her. I was busy packing my clothes into a suitcase when someone knocked on my bedroom door, I turned to see my girlfriend. I stood and walked over to her, Meghan smiled at me and hugged me.

"Kylo let me in," Meghan said against my chest, "When are you going to tell your fans the truth?"

I kissed the top of her head, "Soon, Meg, wanna help me pack?"

She pulled away, "Sure, Bryan changed plans, I'm guessing."

I nodded, "Yeah."

We packed my clothes and within twenty minutes, we were done packing everything so we decided to watch YouTube videos on my phone. Kylo walked into the room unannounced and laid across both mine and Meghan's laps. She smiled at Meghan and my girlfriend smiled back, Kylo and Meghan were really close friends. It was soon time to go, I kissed Meghan goodbye and dragged the suitcases to the cab. Kylo got in the back, after the driver asked is she was Madison Beer.

"I'm not Madison Beer, sir, I don't think she listens to screamo music." I over heard Kylo say to driver

"That's true, but you do look exactly like her except you have brown eyes, my fifteen year old daughter looks up to her."

I knew Kylo smiled, "Tell your daughter I said hi, watch her freak out."

I got in the back and we were driven to the airport, after boarding the plane, Kylo almost passed immediately but not before doing her belt up. I smiled and felt asleep soon, resting my head on Kylo's shoulder. I woke up to being shaken, Kylo was grinning and started shaking me wildly. I unbuckled myself and we got off the plane, I checked the time on my phone and seen it was 2 AM. Ha, Johnnie, you were wrong. Kylo and I collected our stuff and waited outside for Bryan and Johnnie, Kylo was listening to Memphis May Fire and was mouthing the words of whatever song was playing. The van pulled up and both my best friends got out, Bryan was wearing his classic blue hoodie while Johnnie was wearing batman pyjama pants with a My Chemical Romance shirt on.

"Hey Kyle."

I smiled, "Hey Bryan, Johnnie, meet Kylo."

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