"Seriously! This is so cool!" I squealed once more.

"Oh, and you have dinner reservations later. Have fun!" Elijah finished.

"Are you trying to get rid of us?" Bekah questioned. We then both laughed.

"No, its not like that at all." Kol tried to explain. They all seemed worried for a second.

"Guys! She was joking!" I laughed. They then laughed with us.

"Thank you all so much."


When she would do anything for me, even if it was nearly impossible


"Bekah, I wanna grow up and be like you." I said.

"I don't know if that's possible Em." She replied.

"Oh." I said, sounding disappointed, then continued, "Well, will you help me find away for it to be possible. I just want to grow up and be your age. I wish I could be a teenager forever." I complained.

"Don't worry, I will try my hardest." She said.


When i finally realized that I loved her,


"Bekah, did I ever mention how much I love you?" I asked, leaving her with a confused face. I slowly walked towards her. At first, I was confused too. But now I finally see it.


The first time we kissed,


"Bekah, you are so beautiful. You care about me so much. You have always been so kind to me." I whispered, our faces only inches apart. We got closer by the second. Did she feel the same about me? Well, I guess I will find out.

I then grabbed her face and pulled it to mine, letting our lips crash together. It was suprising because she didn't pull away. Does she love me back? Finally, after a minute, she grabbed my face and pulled closer to me.


the first time she told me she loved me.


"I love you Bekah." I whispered.

"I love you too." She whispered back.


the first time i woke up next to her,


I woke up next to my beautiful Bekah. I looked into her beautiful, shimmering, blue eyes. She smiled, and I smiled in return. I then brushed her curly blonde hair out of her face.

"I love you Bekah. I love you so much" I whispered.

"I love you too."


when we came out,


"Omg. You guys are totally clueless." She continued.

Does she really want to tell them? I'm alright either way. I just hope they except us. I hope they still treat me like a sister.

"Ohhhhhhhh......." Elijah whispered to himself.

"Wait, are you two???" Kol asked.

"Yep." Bekah replied. The whole time I just stood there in silence, holding her hand.


the first time i gave her flowers,


I quickly sped over there and picked a wonderful bouquet, then sped back, handing Bekah the flowers.

"For you my love." I said, sweetly. Bekah then kissed me on the cheak and whispered, "I love you."


the first gift she gave me since we were together,


"Open it." She whispered, still smiling. So I did. I unwrapped it slowly, and opened it up. Inside was a beautiful chain necklace. It had a really nice heart charm on it, with Emily and Rebekah Forever written on it. It was beautiful. I think I actually started to tear up.

"I love it." I whispered, then kissed her on the lips lightly.


and the last time I saw her,


I finally got back home, and when I walked through the door, Rebekah ran to me and squeezed me tight in her arms.


The tears flooded my face, as a ton of memories flowed into my mind. I cant believe shes actually gone. I cant live with out her. I loved her so much. I would do anything to get to tell her goodbye. I wish I could have done more. I wish I had gotten there fast enough. I could have saved her, but i didn't make it in time.

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