
Start from the beginning

I start the treadmill and begin with a jog.

"I wish that I could wake up with amnesia, and forget about the stupid little things. Like the way it felt to fall asleep next to you, and the memories I never can escape," I quietly sing.

I run for 25-30 minutes, and then decide to get on an elliptical. I stay on that for a little under 30 minutes until I think I should get back to my room to take a shower and get ready for the day.

I put my jacket back on and make sure I have all my stuff before leaving. I walk back to my room, and decide to take a long shower when I get there.

After my shower, I put on a pink floral loose tank top, skinny jeans, a gray cardigan, and white low top converse. I blow dry my hair and then softly curl it, running my fingers through it after. I put on a bird necklace, an arrow bracelet, and Tobias's promise ring.

It's a little after 9:30 now and I'm starving. I don't feel like having the school's food right now, so I decide to go to McDonald's. Breakfast of champions right there.😂👌🏼🏆

Tobias has class right now, so he can go. I text Ashley from my volleyball team to see if she wants to go.

Tris- hey ash, wanna go 2 mcd's for breakfast?

Ashley- sorry t, I have class starting in literally 2 mins. Wish I could. Cafeteria's food this morning was horseshit 😂

Tris- ew😂😳

Ashley- yep😵😷 oops, gtg. Professor's practically yelling @ me for being on my phone rn🙈

Tris- 😁sorry

Ashley- it's all good

I then decide to text my friend Brady, who's the only one I know for sure doesn't have a class right now.

Tris- hey Brady, wanna go 2 mcd's for breakfast?

Brady- sure, why not? Be @ ur room in 5 mins.

Sure enough, he does arrive at my door in exactly five minutes. I open the door when he knocks on it and smile.

It's not Brady though. It's Tobias, who's leaning on my doorframe.

"Hey babe," he says. "You look cute today." He leans down and kisses me.

"Oh, hey. Thanks babe. I thought you had class right now?"

"I do, but there's a sub today, so we weren't doing anything and she let us go like half an hour early."

"That's cool."

"You okay? You seem kind of out of it. Are you waiting for someone else?"

"Oh, I was just going to go get some breakfast at McDonald's with, um, Brady. Ashley said the food here this morning tasted like horseshit," I say with a small laugh.


"Uh, yeah Brady. Brady's my friend. Can I not have a friends are boys?"

"If prefer if you didn't."

"I'm friends with Zeke, Uriah and Will. What's the difference between them and Brady?"

"They have girlfriends, they would never try to steal you away from me."

I walk backwards into my room and Tobias follows me. He shuts the door behind him just before I speak.

"Tobias, I'm not your property. I'm a person. And more importantly, I'm a person that can have friends that are guys. I can go have breakfast with these guy friends of mine if I want to, and I won't have to worry about my boyfriend freaking out if I do. Tobias, you're my boyfriend and I love you more than anything, but you're making that really hard for me to do right now."

"I don't think you're property, Tris," I hear an all too familiar voice say. Brady. I raise a hand to my forehead and turn around, taking a deep breath.

"Of course you're here right now!" Tobias says.

"Hey, don't attack him! He did nothing wrong! I told him we'd meet here!"

"And now you're protecting him!"

"Jesus, Four! You're acting like my dad! What's your problem?"

"Right now, he is."

"Leave," I say, calm as a summer night. "Go. I don't want to see your face right now." He huffs, but turns and leaves, closing the door after him.

I grab my purse and sling the strap over my shoulder. "Come on, Brady. Let's go get some breakfast." I grab his hand and leave my room.
I'm now sitting in the middle of English, trying to focus on whatever Professor Woods is lecturing us about, but failing. My mind keeps wandering to Tobias.

Was I being too hard on him? Was he just trying to protect me? I don't know.

Just then, my text tone for Tobias goes off on my phone. Shit, I forgot to turn the ringer off. Everybody turns to look at me as I frantically search through my bag for my phone. I find it, and silence it immediately.

"Popular there, aren't you, Miss Prior?"

"I guess so, Professor."

"I'd appreciate it if you'd keep your phone on vibrate next time, Miss."

"Of course, I'm sorry sir. It won't happen again."

"I hope not." He then gives me a look that says, I'd like to talk to you after class. I know this look, it's not the first one I've gotten during my time here at ASU. He continues his lecture, and I take my phone out of my bag to see what Tobias had to say.

Tobias❤😘️- Tris, I'm really sorry. I know you're in English right now, and I'm sorry in advance for getting you in trouble if I did. And I know you're not anyone's, especially my, property, and I didn't mean for you to interpret it the way you did. To be honest, I was a little jealous, and I didn't know how to handle it. I'm sorry, and I love you. Talk to me ASAP, please.

Aw. I don't know what to think right now. I'm still a bit mad at him, but I also hate being mad at him, so...

I don't know what to do. 
A/N: hey guys! Sad fourtris chapter😢Sorry it's taken so long. Basketball's ending this week, so I should have more time to write, and spring break is coming up in three weeks, so I'll try to get you guys three more chapters within now and then. If I don't get three chapters up by then, I'll just slap myself for being a procrastinator. 😂
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