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••When people say to me that they don't believe in love, I tell them to stop breathing for few seconds

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••When people say to me that they don't believe in love, I tell them to stop breathing for few seconds. When they become restless, I reply to them saying that see how much their body loves oxygen••

-Again, by the Author of this very book ;)



Copyright © Suganthii 2016

All Rights Reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of author, except where permitted by law.

Long thing short, I'll personally castrate you if you dare to plagiarize my story.



The names, characters and incidents mentioned in story are purely fictional. For authenticity the author has used names of some real places and institutions as they represent cultural icons of today and aid storytelling. There is no intention to imply anything else. It'll be a mere coincidence if you find any incident related to you or your life in this story.

Again, long thing short, the places and institutions I have used in this story are real but that doesn't mean I am snooping around India. I am an author and tend to write after a good research about places and characters I am going to use. (It's not a fantasy to create my own world.)



Nope, this story is not R-rated or has any kind of mature content.

But yeah, you can find some grammatical errors or typos.

Kindly help me by commenting my errors in the paragraph itself and if you can't then bear it or leave reading because I'll not tolerate any rude comment leashed here!



Started: 14th Feb 2016
Finished: 31st March 2016



This story is inspired by Just Write It February 2016 challenge, so please show your support by voting each and every chapter, commenting your views, sharing and recommending 'Heart Clips' to your friends and followers.



They both fell in love with each other, by exchanging small notes, clipping it to each other's personal desk in their office. 

 After eleven years, they both realized their love for each other, by exchanging small notes, sticking it to the refrigerator in their home. 

 Because they never had stopped loving each other, just some responsibilities had screened it.


This is my first time experience for writing a book with not a single dialogue or expressing the characters emotion by penning it down and showing it just by exchange of letters or notes between two characters. Hope you guys love it!

Enjoy Reading!

P.S- In this story the messages are actually read by opposite characters, that is each chapter is not a note written by the character but a note received to the character. The date and time in the title of chapter is actually the time when the character has got the message.


As Wattpad is soon shutting down the messaging feature, I have made an Instagram page (Well, I had made it long back for digital scrapbooking, but yeah...) for you guys to follow and rant your heart out about how I am being mean with my characters XD

The handle is- aestheticallymusical

P. S. You guys can ping me with other doubts too, like advice about your career or just to chat. If I am free, I would love to talk with you guys!

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