Chapter 1| The Tale

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-Sasuke's Pov-

" Uncle Sasuke! Uncle Sasuke!" A little voice called, running down the hallways of the pack house. I smiled and bent down scooping the child in my arms.

"Yes, Shota?" I asked my little nephew. He giggled and wrapped his arms around my neck.

"Read me a bedtime story, Please~" He begged with a pout.

"Did your father say It was alright?" The brunette nodded frantically before jumping out of my arms. He took hold of my hand and dragged me towards his baby blue painted room. His father sighed and turned around.

"Shota, it's time for bed.. I already read you a bedtime story." Kiba explained to his 5 year old son.

Oh did I mention Kiba was his father?

Shota Nara was the son of Kiba Inuzuka, and my Third in Command or Gamma, Shikamaru Nara. The two were mates that met about 7 years ago when we were handling a rogue problem.

Rogue's are Werewolves who don't belong to a pack, and are practically rebels running around living by their own rules.

Ever since then they'd been inseparable and had Shota two years later.

"But papa! I want to hear about The Forest!" He whines clinging to my leg. Kiba sighs.

"Sweetie.. That story is way to scary for you.. how about another night when you don't have school the next day." He says trying to convince his son, but the boy wasn't having it.

"I wanna hear about it now though. I promise I won't get scared and I'll wake up tomorrow like normal! Please Papa!~" I chuckled as he brought out the pout.

Man this kid knows how to play his cards..

"Fine but if you don't get up tomorrow, Uncle Sasuke won't ever be allowed to tell it again, understood mister?" He nodded a big smile on his face as he turn and jumps onto his bed. He crawled under his Train blanket as I sat down on a play stool that could surprisingly hold my wait beside him.

"Night baby." Kiba kisses his head and turn to me. "Don't scare him again, Sasuke."

"Okay... I'll try not to." Honestly I wanted it to come out serious but I couldn't suppress a laugh from coming out of my mouth as I said it.

"I'm serious.. Shikamaru hasn't slept in almost 16 hours... he needs his rest without a 5 year old climbing into our bed tonight." He told me sternly.

"Alright.. just go to sleep I got it form here." He nodded and walked out of the room, closing the door behind himself. "Okay, where do I start?" I say in a menacing tone making him laugh.

"Start Uncle Sasuke!" He ordered laughing still. I smiled.

"Okay, Okay.." I put my hands up and chuckled.

Long ago there lived five species, Werewolves, Vampires, Witches, Tigers, and then the Foxes. All five were so different but we all had our very own role to play in this world.

Vampires ruled the underworld and the element Air/Wind.

Witches were like doctors, the more advanced ones, the ones who uses natural resources to their advantages and practically the smartest...Stereotypically speaking.

Tigers were the holders of the element Water, they controlled everything water and everything that involved any type of moisture.

Us Werewolves we held the Earth element, the woods are where we belonged and were most calmed. We were practically like Mother Nature, with the moon goddess at our side.

Then there were the Foxes. They were the smallest of the bunch but they were the trickiest and sneakiest, They controlled the last element..Fire. They were like practical heaters, and despised water for the most part.

All five lived in harmony. There were very few problems, and when they did occur they'd manage to make it through. Well until the Tigers and the Foxes got into a disagreement.

The tigers laughed at the small foxes. They believed water was more powerful and decided that in honor of their 'amazingness' as they said... that it should rain in the forest. Convincing the Werewolves to make it rain on what was supposed to be a hot day angered the foxes. They had important business and things they needed to get done but with it raining they couldn't, water wasn't something fire wanted to be involved with.

Having had enough the Foxes confronted the ego-stricken tigers. Although the Tigers weren't the most professional and took it as an insult to their species, so they set up a plan for war. The foxes lived in the forest, secluded from the rest of us, so it would be quite easy t slaughter them before anyone found out.

Putting their plan into action they waited until night and snuck into the woods. That night was the last night a Fox had been living on this earth. They slaughtered every single one of them, making them feel the pain they thought they deserved. After the bodies were all gone the Tigers were going to claim the once Fox territory. Although the spirits of the angry souls and lost mates were still there, protecting their forest driving out any living creature unwanted.. doing whatever it took, ever since nobody dared go near the forest..

Once I had finished the story Shota was half asleep, struggling to keep his small black eyes open. I smiled and turned off the light and was about to leave when a little voice called out to me.

"Uncle Sasuke... do you think there's at least one fox still alive?" He asked with a yawn. I turned around and shrugged.

"Most likely not Shota.. I mean they did slaugh-I mean kill every last one of them.."

"But you said that they controlled fire...and fire hasn't fallen out of balanc-" He didn't even get to finish his sentence before drifting off to sleep. I yawned and scrunched up my eyebrows.

He did have a point... maybe there was still one fox left out there..

A|N: So this was the first chapter, how'd you guys like it?
Please ignore the mistakes they will be fixed when I edit this book later on!



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