What Does It Even Mean?

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Is it sad that I feel nothing when I kiss you? 

I bet you haven't noticed my eyes are open everytime.

I care so damn much about you.

We've been there for each other through so much.

To me it's this is all nothing that'll lasts until you break it off,

My body means so close to nothing to me again and yet it means everything to you.

The fact that you can touch and kiss me makes you smile,

It absolutely makes this for you.

You love me....

Why does that mean nothing to me?

Why am I still doing what I'm doing just to make you happy?

Because we both know I'm in it for the pleasure.

Goddess I'm rediculous when it comes to pleasing.

I've received no pleasure from any of this and yet I let it continue.

They've called me a fuck up,

Told me I'm screwing 'us' over.

But I don't think they realize I've given you a way out,

And neither one of us will take it.

You could walk away from me now and I don't think I'd hurt that much.

It'd be like breaking up with her.

I wouldn't feel anything.

Except maybe relief.

Would you find it sad if I told you that?

Would you end things here and now?

Or would you still live to please me?

Just because you've fallen for me....

Love can be the worst excuse in the world.

What does love even mean anymore?

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