The Start of all

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Well this is my fifth Story and I hope you like it.
I apologize for my mistakes if you find any. I write the Story on my Phone.

~Ashley's p.o.v.~

Hello I'd like to introduce myself.
My name is Ashley Peterson

I have a Step Dad since I'm 15.
My real Dad left me when I was 4.

But I still love him. I want to be mad but I can't. He came back once when I was 14 but he left he said he'll come back but he lied. I spoke with him after he left but I realised he doesn't care about her Daughter.

But I can not be mad.

I am not Popular in the School, we can say I am the girl who nobody cares about. I get bullied sometimes and they laugh at me.
It hurts sometimes that people do not see the Pain.

Nor does my Mom. She never really had time for me she was alwayss busy with work and most of the time I was with my Grandma.

I know she loves me but she never really has time for me and she doesn't care what I want. It's always what she and my Step dad wants. My Steo dad is nice but I ignore him most of the time. Not that I hate him just don't like him. He thinks he replace my real dad. But he can not... nobody can.

We never really talk most of the time we just Ignore each other with my mom too.

My hobbies are: listening to music, chatting with my BFF's and Dance.

I love dancing, of course nobody knows cause I'm to shy to Dance around other People.

Anyway you asking yourself because of the Pain.

Well of course of my Dad.
But also because nobody likes nor liked me before.

I always got bullied also because when I was 3 and half years old I had cancer and kids around my age thought I'm dangerous and they didn't play with me.

I never really fit in but that's life.

Now I'm 18 and I live in London.

Anyway enough of me let's get begin with the Story.


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