Part 1

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"I don't think I can do it, Gerald."

Camila was backing out, feeling a wave of emotions take over her body. She was nervous, scared, and worst of all, not ready. She's never sang with a rapper, only by herself in her bedroom with a couple friends max.
"Hey, you'll do fine. You're not the one rappin' after all. Your voice is beautiful, you got this." She nodded at his words, praying it was true. Was her voice fitting for this?

She made her way to the nearest full length body mirror, analyzing what she was wearing. To be truthful, the outfit the previous singer had wasn't her taste, so she settled for something different. Her long brown hair was down, a bow tied to her wrist, a short black mini skirt, along with a short long sleeve that ended at the crease of her elbow that had a nice white collar to it.
"Why am I doing this in the first place." Camila muttered to herself, sighing deeply.

Gerald spun around, grabbed her by the wrist and locked their eyes together. "Why are you doing this? Because you're my friend. Because you're the only person who can help me. Because Devon bailed and you're the only person I thought of to have an even better voice than her. You're amazing, Camila. Fucking believe it. If I hear you second guessing yourself and this decision again I swear I'll make you wish you hadn't." Letting go of her, he put his ear piece in and grabbed a water bottle from the backstage table.

Camila blinked, not expecting him to reply with that, or even reply at all. She loved having Gerald as a best friend, but this? Going on a world tour where she doesn't even know the crew, people, surroundings, it's all so much. Gerald is a rapper. Who knows how his fan base is! Are they mean? Are they understanding? Are they the same as any other?

"On stage in 2!" Pete, the stage manager, screamed, trying his best to be heard though all of the screaming fans.

Camila peeked out onto the stage, making sure she wasn't noticeable yet was able to have a good view of the crowd.

Over 1,000 people. 1,000 people she doesn't even know. 1,000 people who will be cheering for her and Gerald, expecting this to be he best night of their lives. She can't let them down, she's not that type of person. They paid money for this, saved for this, this could mean so much to someone and she's not about to let them down.

"Ready?" Gerald asked, a slight smirk plastered onto his face.

Camila nodded, feeling determined now. She could do this. If not for her, and if not for her best friend, for his fans. "Go!" Pete used his hands to gesture both Camila and Gerald to enter the stage, confetti blowing everywhere.

Gerald ran on stage, throwing his hands up and hyping the crowd up. The crowd was electric, vocals bouncing off the wall of a mixture of screams and possibly a million 'I love you's.

The beat began, causing Camila's blood to boil. She looked at Gerald, who gave her a nod letting her know it's okay and she can start singing.

Camila took a deep breath and closed her eyes, letting the beat of the song take over her body as the lyrics she memorized poured out of her.

"I stand here waiting for you all the time
Hope you recognize before I fall apart
The one question staying on my mind
Is why you keep playing with my heart
And I've been waiting for a long, long time
Sometimes I wonder what made me start
The one question staying on my mind
Is why you keep playing with my heart."

Camila smiled as Gerald started singing, the lyrics completely pouring out of him with passion written all over them.

"I keep saying I'm a' change, I'm a' change
I'm 22 now it's time to fucking act my age
And I just keep telling her this is just a stage
Where every other night we go partying we rage
I be fucking up I know
So immature, I just hope she doesn't know
She's thinking about peacing fast if he doesn't grow up
In the next 5 minutes then she'll have to go
And I'm just saying wait up
Let me show and prove
I know I did some things that you really won't excuse
You really got something I don't want to go and lose
But then she cut me off like when you blow a fuse
And she said to me" Gerald looked at Camila and had a smirk smeared across his face, raising an eyebrow confidently.

Rebel || Camila Cabello & G-EazyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang