Halloween Costume

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The doorbell rang. I ran to the door and opened it. The mailman had a package. "Package for Nick Andrews?", he asked. I nodded and took the package. It finally came! I signed that I got it, and ran to my room. I took out a pair of scissors and opened the package. Yes! It was the right package! I took out the top hat that was in there, it was the last thing to complete my Halloween costume! This Halloween, I decided to go as Jack The Ripper. I thought it was a really good idea, since I live in London, to be exact I live in Whitechapel! The famous street where the murders happened! My friends are going to be so frightened when they see me! My friends are Rose, a blond long haired girl with brown eyes, and Jack, a black curly haired guy with brown eyes. We all are twelve. I put my top hat to my costume. I had everything, gloves, clothes. "Who was at the door?", asked mom.

"The mailman!", I answered.

"What did he bring?", mom asked

"A package, it's the top hat I ordered!", I shouted.

As soon as it was time for bed, I went to the bathroom and brushed my messy brown hair. My blue eyes studying myself. I was pale and kind of chubby, but you couldn't say I was fat. I brushed my teeth and went to bed. I was really tired, maybe I'll call one of my friends tomorrow. I shut my eyes and drifted to the world of dreams...

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