Chapter Twenty five

Start from the beginning


    A few days later I went into labour. It was a relatively easy birth so to speak as I already had five children and when I was blessed with another little girl I cried. She was strong with a good pair of lungs on her that I could faintly hear from her nursery which was not too far away from my chamber. We named her Margaret and she had my bluish eyes.

    I spent the entire morning of the ball getting ready. It became a bit tedious after a while but I stood there quietly as Chaney and my other ladies maids worked away at the outfit diligently. My hair actually had small diamonds sewn into it and you can imagine how long that took. I was excited to see my family from Andorra and to introduce them to my beautiful children although they would not get to meet little Margaret as she was too young to be at a ball. So was Anne but I would make an exception so she could meet her family.

    My dress was big and extravagant although you couldn’t see my shoes they were still encrusted with glimmering jewels and laced with gold. I must have been exuding wealth and power. My leopard mask was tied around my face and I cocked my head to the side as I stared at my reflection in the mirror. All you could see were the bright blue of my eyes and that was it. Thrilled, I couldn’t wait to see how handsome my husband would look.

    Gliding gracefully towards the ballroom I could hear the orchestra and the rumbles of excited courtiers and the like talking. This would be an incredible night that surely would go down in history.

    “Anna!” I turned around to see a tallish man striding proudly towards me with a beautiful yet scary lion mask and underneath mine I smiled. “There you are, I have been waiting for ages for you.”

    “It takes hours to look this spectacular!” I gestured at myself unnecessarily. “You look pretty incredible yourself.” I placed my hands flat on his chest. “And you should definitely keep the mask.” I added in a lower tone.

    Chuckling, Philip took my hands in his as he began to walk us towards our anniversary ball. “I have seen your sisters today.” My heart was fluttering manically in my chest, excited and thrilled and ever so slightly nervous all at the same time. “They look well.” We headed inside and all eyes turned our way. It was as if we projected royalty out of our very skin because even though we were covered in masks everyone paused to gape, already aware of whom we were.

    There had been ballerinas dancing in amongst them but they dispatched out of the room now after dropping into curtsies in front of the King and I. I had a constant grin on my face despite the fact that no one could see it. The entire room dropped into either a curtsy or a bow and I glanced at Philip who was stood tall and regal before nodding his head and they returned to standing. He swept me up onto the dance floor where we proceeded to dance away, it was magical. Truly.

    Once the first dance was out of the way other courtiers and such began to filter onto the floor as well, swirling and twirling enchanted around us. I danced the first three songs with Philip before excitement to find my sister overrode my lust for the music and dropping to a curtsy I told him I was to mingle. Philip brought my hand to his mask’s mouth and I sniggered before leaving him.

    I overheard Josepha talking to Nikola or someone and I went and tapped her on the shoulder. She spun and her hand threw to her heart. “You made me jump sister!”

    I waved her comment away, “never mind all that, do you not have a hug for your dear sister?” She laughed and I hugged her ever so tightly to me. “You have no idea how thrilled I am that you are here.”

    “I have some clue.” She laughed again as she released me and we stood back and looked at each other. “Do you like the mask?”

    “You are a magpie?” She nodded and I grinned. “I like it very much.”

     “Hello Anna,” the woman who had been talking to Josepha said raising her hand awkwardly. She had a swallow mask. “It has been long time since we last spoke. Ten years!”

    I nodded and squeezed her shoulder caringly. “Too long really. How are you? Do you have children, Josepha never told me?”

    She nodded, “yes! I have two, one girl and one boy. Not nearly as many as you though, yes?”

    “Six, just recently.” I enthused. “And all have been blessed with a brilliant mind and adorable looks. I have been so truly blessed with all my children.” I took Josepha’s and Nikola’s hand in my own and led them through the throngs of people. Big puffy skirts took up so much room. “You should meet them. I had them come so you could.” It took a short while but I rounded up five out of six, little Anne Louise was easy enough because her wet nurse was holding her. I handed her to Nikola who cradled her carefully. “August, my firstborn is nine.” I said as I placed a loving hand on his shoulder. He had a little lion’s mask as well.

    “Nine?” Josepha exclaimed down at him. “Oh my, what a tall young man you have grown into, Sir.”

    “Thank you Madame.” He nodded his head at her. I introduced all of my children to Nikola and Josepha before they were dismissed from the ball.

    “Where’s my brother?” I asked Josepha.

    “Dion is over there, sister.” She pointed to the other side of the room and I headed over there and tapped him on the shoulder.

    “Madame?” He did not recognise me and it hurt slightly.

    “Do not Madame me! I am your sister! Little Anna. Rosanna.”

    He froze and then pulled me into a squished hug for a second. “How are you? I have missed you greatly. A lot has happened this you have left. I can see that you have done extremely well for yourself here. You really are living the life here, little sister, that much is certain.”

    I talked to him for a long time before going off and getting some champagne and then I went to dance with Philip again. The ball went on and on and it was so thrilling and spectacular and everyone really was celebrating for their King and Queen and I was grateful. Eventually it had to end though, it always does and I thanked my family for coming and hugged them so tightly before trudging off to bed. I was still recovering from giving birth but tonight had been a major success. I was sure to never forget it.

    Before I headed to my own chamber I slipped into my children’s rooms and made sure that they were ok and asleep. They were and then I went to stand through the laborious task of being unwound and untied out of my dress.

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