Part 1 - Mushroom Thief

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Rythian rummaged through the various chests and shelves containing all sorts of things in the magic room of Blackrock. Where is it? Where is it? I'm sure I put it in this chest. Where has all the mobius fuel gone?  "Rythian?" Zoey called from upstairs. "Yes?" He heard her footsteps coming hurriedly down the marble stairs. "Have you seen any of my mushrooms lately?" She asked as she came running into the magic room. Bright red locks bouncing on her shoulders. "No, I haven't, have you seen any of the mobius fuel around?" "No...What is mobius fuel again?" "It's like a red type of coal that glows" Zoey shook her head.

"Haven't seen it."                                                                                                                                              

"This is weird. Things are just randomly disappearing." 

"It must je a thief. A mushroom stealing thief!"

"But Zoey, who would want to steal a mushroom?" Zoey looked at Rythian with an insulted expression.

"Mushrooms are awesome! Who wouldn't?"

"Okay then...Keep looking I guess."

Zoey spun around and hurried off to search for the missing mushrooms. Rythian turned back to survey the room. He noticed purple particles floating in the air like dust around the small crafting table in the corner. Then he realised the destruction catalyst he had left there a few minutes ago had vanished. Hmm I have a feeling our mushroom thief might be a pesky enderman, but endermen don't steal things like destruction catalysts. A shiver ran down Rythian's spine. There was definitely an enderman in the castle, he could feel it. Where are you little pain in the backside? Gosh I hate endermen. 


The endergirl appeared in the magic room once more. Purple particles floated around her. She scanned the room making sure no one was watching. The room was empty. She grinned to herself. Whoever lived here had some really cool and weird stuff lying around in the chests. She bent over to rummage around in the chest where she had found the strange red glowing coal. She had just found a piece of golden armour when she froze. She felt the icy cold touch of a metal blade on her neck. She tried to teleport but found her self unable to do so. "Don't bother trying to teleport. I've cast a spell that'll stop you from doing that old trick."

Slowly the endergirl turned around, and found her self confronted with the hate filled purple gaze of Rythian. She tried to back away but the hard, black stonewall stopped her. Her eyes locked on to his, but instead of showing fear her eyes only reflected surprise and disbelief, as if she had seen the most incredible and unexpected thing in the world. "Give me one really good reason not to slit your throat right now." Rythian said threateningly, Katar holding the girl against the wall, eyes ablaze. The edge of the blade created a small scratch in the skin of the girl's neck. "How about a hole in that nice shirt of yours...Enderborn" Rythian felt a sharp point poking into his side. He glanced downwards and saw the girl was holding a dagger fashioned out of a large yellowed curved tooth, the razor sharp end pressing into his side. He released the girl from his grasp and took a step back, but he still didn't sheath his red katar. However the girl put the tooth dagger into a leather sheath that hung on her belt. "What did you just call me?" "Enderborn...You have the purple eyes of my people." Rythian took a better look at the endergirl and noticed something very odd. Her eyes were blue.


So that was the first part of the story. It's pretty short and not much happens I know, but trust me there's still a lot coming. If you enjoyed the first part however please feel free to leave a comment on what you think, and let me know if you want to see more of this. Red head girl on the right is Zoey, this is the URL for the image:

Thanks for readig!! <3

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