Chapter 1- Going to Collage? Yeah right!

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My head was heavy and it felt as if an elephant was sitting on it the whole time I was out. By now I was sitting inside a vehicle with my eyes blindfolded, my legs tied, my hands tied behind my back, oh and guess what?! My mouth was closed as well (shocker) with tape. So basically the only thing I could do right now was sit between the two people that were sitting beside me, smell and hear what was going on.

So much for starting my new life as a college student.

I heard the people inside the vehicle talk in some other language-I did not understand a thing the were saying but I was pretty sure they were talking in Russian.

I made a noise hoping that someone would at least open my eyes or mouth at least. The person sitting on my right groaned and shoved my side causing me to push a little on the person on my left whom I felt placing hands on my upper arm and pushing me so I was sitting straight once again, before saying something in Russian to the person on my right-I think- because he scoffed and hissed something under his breath.

Oh God this was so frustrating, who the hell were this people, where were they taking me and why didn't they speak in freaking English- that would at least have me a little less freaked out about my situation. I tried once again to talk which came out as something between a shuffled noise and scream and it once again gain me a shove- this time from both sides. I groaned in pain and someone from the front talked-in-Russian-AGAIN. 

Someone's phone started going off and when it was answered, it was answered in speaker. They started talking, I heard at least 8 different voices talk inside the vehicle so I'm guessing we are not in an ordinary car, maybe in a van or mini-bus.

I scoffed again and gave up on trying to earn one of my senses back, I slipped back into my sit and sighed. Seconds later a hand was rubbing my right butt cheek. Oh hell to no! I immediately screamed and forced my self onto the the left, what I didn't realized was that, I placed myself onto the lap of the person that was on my left.

He sighed and shoved me to his left as he sat in the middle of me and the pervert.

About 5 minutes later the vehicle came to a stop, I heard doors opening and the one sitting on my right now pulled me from my arm and pushed me outside of the vehicle causing me to almost fall face first onto the ground if it weren't for the other set of hands grabbing my arms to balance me. Someone had untied my legs once I was outside the vehicle.

They pushed me inside some kind of doors- I guessed since the air changed too and into an air-conditioning one. We walked for a few more seconds before we came to a stop. We stayed still for a few seconds, then I heard a door opening and I was pushed inside, they placed me on the wall and then I heard a button being pushed before the doors closed and we started moving again.

So me being the little genius I was I'm guessing we were currently located inside an elevator which was going downwards. When the elevator stopped and it's doors opened again, hands grabbed my arms and dragged me for another 2-3 minutes before I was forced to sit onto a chair.

I felt my hands being untied only to get cuffed onto the chair, one on each of my sides, then they cuffed my legs onto the chair legs, and they pulled the blindfold off my eyes. I tried to adjust my vision to the current light of the environment I was, which had caused me to be blind for a few seconds.

Damn this had made my headache worse.

I looked around me, I was in and empty room, which looked to be made out of metal, even the floor and the chair I was sitting on was made out of metal. The next thing that caught my attention was that the people around me were the same people from the airplane, with their black masks covering their faces still.

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