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Cyaden's POV

I waited patiently in the coffee shop for Diana to finish her shift. I want to tell her what I am. I know that I don't know her well enough to tell her, but I feel like I have a real connection with her. She walked over with my coffee.

"I'll be off soon." Diana whispered.

"When you get off, I need to tell you something." I whispered back. She smiled as she walked away. Then, I looked to my right and seen Avalon come in. Avalon saw me and sat beside me.

"Hey. Have you seen the blonde waitress?" Avalon questioned.

"I'm sure there is a ton of blonde waitresses. Can you be more specific?" I asked.

"I think Henry said her name was Cassie."

"In that case, No. I haven't seen her. Why?"

"Henry thinks that she is my sister."

"How would he know if she is?"

"Henry told me about this feeling that he gets when he's around other witches. Being a protector you have to get that feeling."

"I have never had the feeling before."

"Maybe you just mistake it for something else. You did that with Sophie. I should go. I don't think the girl is here." Avalon said as she walked away.

Looking up at Diana, I realized something. What if Diana is also a witch? What if I'm not feeling a connection to her, but I'm feeling a connection from a witch to another witch? I stood up and mouthed the words 'family emergency' to Diana. Then, I left the shop.

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