Two down

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Meanwhile, Mikey had taken Donnie safely down to the sewers. The purple clad turtle regains consciousness only when his younger brother puts him down in the cold dirty water, panting.

"Sorry, dude... You're heavy and I've been carrying you for miles without end!"

Donnie simply groans, holding his head and shivering in the sudden cold, which makes his injuries burn and sting like fire.


"We'll be there in a bit, I promise. Man, I'm so glad you're alive... I mean, I knew you were, but I mean talking and all". He chuckles and helps him up. He puts Donnie's arm around his shoulders and glances up at him. "Do you think you can walk like this, if you lean on me?"

"I think I can try... Where's Raph? What's happened?"

"Long story short, he is back in TCRI fighting Leo... And probably losing. Did you see how big he's gotten? Man, he looked like a giant... Like a mutant Chris Bradford, green and all but just as brawny!"

Donnie groans again. "Ugh, man... We might need help to get him out of there".

"You tell! But first, I need to patch you up". 

They enter the lair only to find April waiting for them. She jumps to her feet as soon as she sees them and runs over to them. 

"Guys! What's happened!"

Donnie tries to compose himself, but can't stand too long without Mikey's support. 

"Things with Leo got worse... And now we might have lost Raph too..." 

Mikey puts a hand on his brother's chest, looking concerned. 

"Let me take you to the lab, ok? A couple of bandages, some hot tea and you'll be good as new! Your wounds don' look really that deep..." 

Donnie forces a weak smile that quickly fades when he sees April's worried expression. 

"Don't worry, April. Mikey's right. It's nothing serious... Only a couple of bruises..."

April nods and puts Donnie's free arm around her shoulders, to help Mikey take him to the lab. They put Donnie down on a chair and April rummages in her bag until she takes out a syringe, full of a yellowish liquid. Donnie frowns, looking at it, then his eyes dart up to meet April's.

"What the shell is that?"

"Do you trust me, Donnie? Because this will totally help you heal. It will make you stronger and you'll never have to worry again about getting injured".

There are tears forming in her eyes as she speaks, what makes Donnie and Mikey exchange worried looks. 

"Uh, April..."

"Do you trust me or not?!"

"O-of course I do..."

Donnie holds his arm out and Mikey looks away, shivering at the mere thought of being injected with something. 

=                                          =                                   =

My eyes dart up and down, watching the spectacular fight between my brother and that kraangy doctor. I can't help admiring how skilled he's become, how strong and ruthless. And how nimble she is. She is able to dodge almost every blow, and when the katanas get to slice one of her tentacles, it grows again... Which reminds me a bit of our old friend Snake-Weed. Meanwhile, I try to break free of those restraining chains, eager to help Leo out. But if only he could...

"Leo, the chains!"

His white eyes turn to me and linger a bit, maybe wondering what I mean by that, or whether he should actually help me. What the shell, he just saved my life minutes ago. 

The voice in my head has gone oddly silent, and I have noticed that only because I think it is a bad sign. Usually, when people go silent they are plotting something. And I'm not really thrilled to find out what she's planning. 

He moves so fast that makes me flinch, not quite sure whether his blow is aimed at the chains or my head, so I find myself hiding inside my shell. But he hits the chains. One precise, neat blow. And I'm free. 

I jump to my feet and take my sais out.

"Now we are even".

I attack her from behind, while Leo does the same from the side. There is no way she can escape both of us. She is able to block me with a quick move, but not my brother. Before I can even blink, she is lying on the floor, knocked out. I smirk and put my sais back in my belt, then look up at Leo. 

"Well, I - "

I was certainly not expecting his fist in my face, and it comes almost flying. I crash onto the wall on my back and I try my best not to black out. He strides over to me and I panick, I can't think of a better idea than scooting away, as fast as I can, while I cover my face. 

"Leo, please, no... Not again, come on, snap out of it, I need you with me, don't do this to me..."

By this point, I don't care about how pathetic I sound. 

He ends up cornering me, I have nowhere to go. Be brave, Raph. He's helped you once, he can do it again. I take a deep breath and peek between my fingers, up at him. He looks so familiar and strange at the same time... 


I see he's hesitating, so I gather all the courage I have left. I stand up slowly, leaning against the wall. His white eyes follow my every move, until I'm at the same level... we used to be. Because now, given his new size, he is still towering over me when I'm standing. I gulp and tilt my head back so I can actually meet his eyes. 

"Bro... Are you - there?"

He blinks, but I see no further reaction.

And then, it happens in slow motion, he lifts his fist, and I simply know he is aiming for my head, again. But I'm faster this time. I lunge forward while the huge fist plummets; I shoulder him and he falls on his back, I fall on top of him, but get up immediately, taking my sais at light speed. 

He blinks, then I finally get an idea. Finally, my brain seems to be working again. I look around for a rope, but I can't find any. My eyes find the chains and I dive for them; I'm perfectly aware he's sitting up, and won't be long until he attacks me. 

But I've never felt so awake, and so powerful. I turn to him with a smirk.

"You've lost again, Lameonardo".

I chain him up and put a foot on his plastron. He struggles and growls, almost drooling. Yikes.

I shudder as I take out my t-phone and dial Mikey. 


I hang up and frown, what can this idiot be doi-? Oh, he was calling me at the same time. I sigh and take the call.

"Mike? I ne-"

"Dude! Donnie wouldn't wake up! I'm sure I've screwed up, but April put him to sleep and now we don't know what to do!"

April. My eyes widen. I need to save Mikey at least. And I try to sound calm, I don't want him to freak out. 

"Mike, are you home?"

"Yeah, why".

"Take Splinter's scrolls and meet me at the TCRI. I think that might save Leo. And if you get the chance, talk to Sensei. Tell him to keep April away".

"But why -"

"Just do it! Don't let April get to him!"

I can almost hear Mikey flinch. He's noticed how panicked I am, since I have only grasped the real meaning of this when I've said it out loud, almost without thinking.

If she gets to Splinter, we are doomed.

Raph's NightmaresNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ