Finding a dream

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I have been sitting next to Donnie's door for more than one hour. I don't feel tired or sleepy because my mind is racing and I'm too scared to sleep. Anyway I wouldn't let the guys know about this last part, they have enough trouble worrying about Leo.

I get up clumsily when the door opens and a drowsy Donnie comes out, still tying his mask around his eyes. He jumps and suppresses a yelp when he notices me and I put a finger on my lips to hush him.

"Just me. No need to panick" I don't give him the opportunity to answer back and I hold the jar under his nose. I have put it together with some sticky tape trying not to cover the TCRI sign.

"This was in my room. Its content is on the floor almost all over the living area. I need you to analyze it and tell me where it comes from and of course, don't. Tell. Mikey"

Donnie's eyes go from the jar to me, and then back to the jar. He yawns and takes it from my hand, but to my surprise, he doesn't even look at it.

"Whoa, dude. Relax. Coffee first. My brain is not working yet".

He trudges to the kitchen, and I notice he is looking at the jar, turning it over in his hands. Sure your brain isn't working. As if it could stop at any time.

I let him have his coffee alone, and I go to the lab. Apparently, my mind wants to pick a test tube and put some of the blue liquid inside before someone steps on it and ruins it. I have thought about that during the night, but Leo is now sleeping in the lab, and I can't stand coming near him during the day, let alone at night. I make sure he is sleeping before I come too close. I walk keeping an eye on him, as he tosses and turns. For some reason, he is able to detect my presence, even though he seems sound asleep. His brow furrows and he looks uncomfortable, but I don't fall for it this time. I take the test tube and hurry out of the lab the minute I hear him growl. Not even Donnie has been able to come with a suitable explanation of why he only gets distressed when I am around. Mikey has spent a whole night watching him, and Donnie runs his tests on him without any complication. He doesn't move a finger. He is never fully awake, though. He opens his eyes from time to time and looks around, with a surprised expression. Sometimes he even talks, but his words come out more like mumbling, and we usually can't make out what he is saying. I glance over at him from the door frame and sigh. Somehow I feel closer to the solution now, maybe because I've finally found a track to follow.

I trudge to the living area and squat by the blue liquid. Yeah, I'm a genius. How am I supposed to put that into the tube without touching it? I can't help but chuckle a little. What was I thinking.

"Need some help with that?" Donnie smiles down at me, holding a steaming cup of coffee. I look away with a scowl, I hate being wrong. No, actually I hate being busted when I'm wrong.

"Yeah, sure" I don't make eye contact with him, I sit on the floor and wait while he goes to the lab and comes back with his tool box. He sets the cup of coffee aside and pumps some of the liquid into the test tube I hand him. He takes a closer look at it and sighs.

"I'm gonna need my microscope, but it has the same texture than our ooze. Where did you find this again?"

"Ugh, in my room. I broke it. But it was empty. The content had been spilled before"

He raises an eyebrow and glances at the liquid.

"That's awkward".

I growl and hold my head in my hands. I make a quick decision and go for sarcastic instead of angry.

"Oh, you think? Didn't think of it when I spent half of the night WAITING FOR YOU TO GET UP!"

Jeez I can't control it. I always end up with angry. He frowns and picks up his cup of coffee.

"So polite, Raph. No wonder I'm looking forward to helping you out. I'll tell you when I know something about this thing."

He takes a sip of his drink, giving me a hurtful look. I simply shrug. I don't reckon I've done anything wrong. I have a problem, I ask for help. It's impossible to understand these guys. Whenever I bottle up my feelings and keep them to myself, they are pissed off. If I come to them asking for help, they are pissed off. Ugh. Donnie can keep to his microscope and the scientific side of my problem.

I'll go to TCRI and see where the jar came from.

I gear up and look around, maybe hoping that someone stops me. I'd hate to admit I'm a little scared to discover where this might lead to. Nobody is around, so I leave the lair, not caring for my stealth.

"You better not do this alone, bro. Last time you went out alone, you sprained an ankle"

Mikey giggles and jumps off a pipe, landing just next to me. I shoot him an icy glare and fold my arms.

"What are you doing, Mikey?"

"Nothing. Just hanging there. As usual".

"You usually hang up there?" I roll my eyes at him.

"Sometimes. But that's not the point. The point is where are you going at this time and on your own".

He pokes my chest, maybe trying to intimidate me, or to sound threatening. I smack his hand and laugh. My mind must be numb today, because I feel an itch telling me that I need him to come with me. Or maybe not that, maybe I just don't want to be alone.

"I'm going on an adventure. You wanna come?"

He brightens up and jumps a bit. Man, it is so easy to make this kid happy.

"Of course I want, dude! The new A team is on the loose! Who are we chasing?"

I start walking and he follows, a silly smile on his face.

"I don't really know Mike. But I'll recognize the place when I see it, because I've been there already. In dreams, but I hope it counts."

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