"Yeah, I'm sure," Brayden scoffed. He was proud of his sister for finally stepping out of her comfort zone and talking to boys. At the same time, he was really unhappy that she was talking to boys. He knew what they were like. He knew what he was like. There was no point in trying to stop her, it was bound to happen one day. 

"Really!" Addy defended. She liked Liam, even if they only met yesterday. He made her happy. She saw her brother smirk as he glanced between her and the road. "Shut up!"

They arrived in their driveway. Brayden didn't have time to go in. He was already going to be late if he didn't break the speed limit. "Make sure you lock the door!" Brayden yelled out the window. Addy rolled her eyes and flipped up her middle finger. She knew to keep the door locked, but he seemed to remind her every day.

Addy opened the front door and walked straight to her bed. She didn't even take off her jacket as she flopped down. Thankfully, Brayden had made her bed that morning, but she couldn't exactly say the same about his. Addy rolled herself under her covers and immediately passed out. 

No dreams crowded her sleep, not that she complained. Often times she dreamed of crazy unrealistic things that would happen to her. She didn't even get an hour of sleep when her phone obnoxiously rang. She groaned as her hand looked around for her phone. Her eyes were still closed as she pressed the accept button.

"What?" she muttered. She was beyond cranky that someone interrupted her much-needed sleep. She sat up from her bed and stretched out her arms. Her blinds were wide open, she hadn't taken the effort to close them earlier. The clothes she wore that day were rumpled but her hair was still manageable. 

"I've been calling you for the past ten minutes. We have a problem." She was surprised that the call wasn't from her brother, or Liam even. Not very many people called her - or texted her for that matter. She kept to herself quite a bit. 

"Scott?" Addy pulled the phone away from her face. She didn't have his phone number, so it was just a bunch of numbers she didn't recognize.

"Yes, and we still have a problem," he urged. She didn't see how this had anything to do with her. "Liam isn't going to the party anymore."

"Scott, why the hell is that a problem?" Addy questioned. She felt even more tired than she did before.

"Because it isn't an actual party," Scott explained. Addy could hear people talking in the background, probably Stiles. There was a muffled sound going on followed by a loud thud and some swearing. "It's the full moon tonight."

"Yeah, I know." She glanced over at the calendar on her wall. She didn't see how it being a full moon was relevant to the situation. 

"Yeah, well, you wanted an explanation? I had to bite Liam to save him. He survived the bite, and now he has to survive his first full moon. He-he doesn't believe us that he's changing, and we made up a party so that he doesn't hurt anyone tonight. He said he didn't want to go because you aren't going."

"Fine, just come pick me up," Addy groaned. Everything that happened that morning was beginning to made sense. His shifty mood, Scott' attempt at a monologue, and the constant need for Scott to be around Liam all day. He was turning into a werewolf and there was nothing that he could do to stop it. 

Addison got off her bed, and stumbled out of her room. She was starving, since she never got much to eat for lunch. 

"We're actually right outside your house." Scott chuckled nervously. Addy looked out the window above the stairs to see the blue jeep in her drive way. She banged her head against the wall. Addy just wasn't getting a break today.

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