Tonight, We're Fake.

Start from the beginning

Oh, and here comes company now.
"Anastasia," Harry breathed in my ear and goosebumps covered my skin, "I.. Um.."

"Should I mean what I said?" I asked and he stopped walking completely.

"Do what?" he frowned at me and I stepped in front of him.

"You know what I said. I said 'Penelope and Harry belong together'. I haven't thought about it, and it's always been about me but.. Is that what you want Harry? Do you want to be with Penelope?" I asked and he scowled at me.

"I can't even believe you would consider asking that question." He shook his head and balled his fists.

"I am just asking a question. The least you could do is answer it," I snapped.

"No," he shook his head, "No."

"N​o w​hat?" I threw my hands up and he grabbed my wrists.

"No! I don't want to be with Penelope. Haven't you already figured that out by now? I have been with you since last night, and I haven't even touched Penelope except for tonight. I do not want to be with Penelope. But once again, your head is up your ass. So I guess I'll have to explain things to you, again," he grumbled and my mouth dropped.

"Are you fucking serious right now?" I took a deep breath and ran my hands through my hair, "Why is this bothering you? I just asked a simple question, and you turned it into a huge ass argument? Why do you do that? Is there something wrong with me asking you questions about you, about us?"

"Yes. As a matter of fact there is. Why can't you just live with the fact that I want to be with you and just leave it at that." He shoved his hands deep into his pockets.

"Because there's more to a relationship than that," I said and he chuckled, making me cross my arms.

"Who even said we were a c​ouple?​" he looked around like someone was going to answer. Then he put his hand on his chest, pointing to himself, "I know I sure as hell didn't."

"You're saying that like it's a good thing." Tears were swelling in my eyes and he put his hand back in his pocket and hunched his shoulders.

"Well maybe it is." He nodded his head and my mouth dropped again.

"I thought you loved me," I mumbled and he just stood there. He didn't agree with the statement, he didn't answer my confusion. He just s​tood there.

Then he started to walk away. I walked quickly after him.

"You know, I'm going back to that thought to where all of this is just one of your games that I'm playing in. You don't appreciate that I'm even following you right now, do you?" No answer, "My point exactly. And I bet.. You never loved me. And­"

He quickly snapped towards me and cupped my face with his hands, "I've always loved you Anastasia. Stop lying to yourself just so you can make yourself feel better. You know I love you, and I think you're making up shit just so you can start it."

"Excuse me?" I pulled away from him and he groaned, "Who the fuck shoved a dick up your ass?!" I snapped and he growled, grabbing me by the arm.

"You better watch it, little girl." He threw me back a little bit and I let a tear fall from my eye, shaking my head.

"Would you even care if I left? Right now?" I asked and he sighed.

"You know I would." He shook his head and I bit my tongue.

"Yeah, but my head is too far up my ass to see, right?" I mocked.

"Now you're finally getting it." He rolled his eyes and I hit his chest.

"God! Sometimes I just wanna... I just wanna.. Ugh! I hate you!" I hit his chest again and he swallowed, "I hate you. I hate you. I hate you."

"Ana." He tried to grab my arm whenever I went to walk back into the house.

"No. I hate you," he grabbed my arm and I let out a scream, making Gina and Penelope stop walking, "Don't you get it? Or is your head too far up your ass to see?" A muscle ticked in his jaw and I rolled my eyes.

"Is everything okay?" Gina asked as they approached us.

I looked at Harry and crossed my arms, but he still didn't say anything.

"Yeah. Everything is just fine. I'll just be in the house, asleep. I need to get some rest because I've got a long day of packing tomorrow." I looked at Harry and he snapped his eyes towards me.
"You wouldn't," he muttered and I smiled.

"What was that? Oh wait, I don't care. You know I hate you, so why are you asking me questions. God, that just makes me so angry that you wouldn't notice. Gee, maybe I should just start yelling at you! Will that make it any fucking better! No! It won't!" I looked at a shocked Gina and Penelope and said, "Good night. You will have a better one than I will."

Then I walked away, and up to my room. U​gh, he is such a dick.

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