Chapter Two

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Chapter One

In the midst of busy ringing from the phones and chatters from the officers around him, he shut his eyes close in boredom as he lays his legs onto the table and leans back against the chair. In his right finger, held a lit cigarette, his long bangs falls behind his ears.

"Oi, Matsuoka!"

He pretended to be asleep until someone smashes the table with a folder, sounding upset as he heard heavy footsteps walking towards him. Without warning, he fell off the chair after being kicked off.

"Ugh, what the fuck was that for!" the man in his 20s' shoots up straight while his long violet bangs falls back to its place. His crimson burns with annoyance as he quickly crushed his cig into the cigarette tray.

"I got a job for you" the middle age man that was dressed up in a white dress shirt with a blue tie as his collar was let lose while in a black pants. He raised the folder and shoves it in front of the young teen face.

The man named Matsuoka raised an eyebrow as he took the folder and start flipping through it.

"A kid was found by the public a week ago, heavily injured. Currently in Sakura Hospital"

"Uh boss, no name? The kid? No Picture? "

"Apparently he has no IDs or a cell phone on him, so yes I call him Kid for the time being"

"So what you want me to investigate?"

"Find out why is this kid injured or who was his attacker"

"Why don't you go ask him?"

"That's main problem here"

Matsuoka grabbed his coat and then the folder as he steps out from the office.

"He's in coma."


In the car,

Matsuoka was making his way towards the said hospital; at times he stole a glance at the blue folder. His mind was brainstorming. He gets a feeling that this case would not be easy.

"He's a kid with jet black hair and light blue eyes, has a pale complexion when they found him, he's around your height, light build, he's probably somewhere within 17 so the hospital just gave him a temporary name"


"Mizu, it's because the color of his eyes are sea blue"

"Interesting...well, I guess it's better to have a name than none at all" Matsuoka smiled then left the counter, as his orbs start searching for the room that has a tag of 'Mizu' on it.

He blinks at the tag after 10 minutes of searching the whole third floor for the said room. He enters. His flaring orbs dies down the moment he saw a certain jet black haired teen laying on the bed, attached to various life support machines, oxygen support was attached to his face. Several wires were latched onto the teen body.

He approached the bed. He frowns at the sight.

"What could have happen to him? This case is harder than it seems to be" he mumbles.

"What case?" a voice questioned him.

"Ah well, boss send me to this John Doe, no identity no nothing, what's worse is that he's in coma, I'm not even sure where to begin with"

"Then maybe you should start with the place they found me"

After a while, Matsuoka realized he knows no one else enters the room other than him and the John Doe named 'Mizu' is in a deep slumber. He blinks. He turns around.

Flaring crimson orbs met calm sea blue orbs.

It took a while for Matsuoka to react then he looks again at the asleep teen then to the teen that was standing behind him, again and again.

"You can see me?"

His orbs widened. Quickly he stepped back, as he keep shifting his gaze towards the John Doe and to the teen that looks EXACTLY like the victim he has been assigned to except the other is floating in the air!

"What's wrong?"

Those sea blue orbs blinks worriedly as he floats closer to Matsuoka who is gaping like a fish, open and closing his mouth, no sound came out.

"Are you alright, Sir?"

No reply, only the sound of gaping.

"Yh- -himm!" Matsuoka pointed at the teen that lies still on the bed.

The afloat teen then looked at the bed then back to the detective who is now on the floor.

"Yeah, that's me, though I don't know how I became like this" he replied as he looks at his almost see through body.

He then floats towards the bed, his face saddens.

"Are you here to help me?"

Matsuoka dashed out of the room, before the door slides close, he did not miss the sad and lonely expression from the teen.

The violet haired detective gasped for air after the long dashed he made towards his car. Quickly he drove away from the hospital. His brain is a mess.

"I know ghosts exist but..."


At the hospital in a certain room,

The jet black haired teen looks at his body that was laying on the hospital bed, attached to all different type of tubes. His sea blue orbs saddens after seeing the terrified looks on the detective.

"Just when I found someone that can see me…"

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