Dimitri spoke again which pulled me back to reality. "Yes, I woke up thinking that I'm sure you were meant to be booked into the Aegean sea Villas and it was some kind of mistake."

"Mmmm, I think you're right, only I'm not so sure it was a mistake. I've actually checked out and made a reservation at the sea villas and – "

"I'll be there now to fetch you." And with that, he put down the phone. He was coming to fetch me. I felt almost hysterical with panic and my pulse started pounding like a techno-beat.

"See... you're totally in lust with him." The voice mocked me one more time before I managed to muffle it.

It was warming up and the sun was almost straight above me. I put my sunglasses on and pulled out my sun cream. Factor 100+. I'd searched long and hard for it, in fact, my search for the perfect sun cream was an ongoing one. I'm always on the look out for a cream that doesn't sweat off or doesn't smell like a pineapple and a coconut had a love child. And this cream could survive the nuclear destruction of the planet. All that would be left once the dust cloud had settled would be this cream, and the cockroaches.

I put my bags down and started smearing the stuff across my face, arms and the parts of the back of my neck that I could reach. I bent over to attack the last part, my lower legs and ankles. And then to my great alarm, a shadow slowly fell over my foot.

I froze.

I didn't need to turn around to see who it was.

My stomach knotted and the familiar nervous nauseous feeling rose. Even his shadow was perfectly proportioned and chiseled and... how was it humanly possible that even his shadow was good-looking?

Still bent over with my posterior pointing in his direction, which was completely humiliating, I turned slowly and came face-to-face with his non-sandaled foot. He was wearing closed canvas type shoes today. I followed the feet up to meet long, strong legs that were attached to them. My gaze moved further up to his knees and the shorts that were ever so coolly hanging around them and then a little further up, a bit more, slightly, slightly until... Shit! I was face-to-crotch with him.

I quickly shot up hoping that he hadn't noticed the accidental crotch examination.

"Hi." He said. He was smiling at me in that unnerving way.

"Hi." I said faintly. I felt like I needed to say something. Some interesting facts about horses or marsupials or Tibetan singing bowls or...

"You know, the length of a shadow is constantly changing as the earth rotates on its axis."

"Really?" he sounded amused again. "I took your advice by the way." He said with a small smile, running his foot through the dirt.

"I.. I see that." I was really puzzled by this. Had he really changed his shoe wear because I'd suggested it? And he had actually listened to my ramblings, no one else ever did- except my friends.

"Shall we?" he grabbed my bags with one hand and tossed them into the trunk as if they were full of feathers. He'd probably had a lot of practice tossing things around so expertly, like women onto beds for example.

I walked over to the door and was just about to open it when his hand shot out in front of me and beat me to the punch. He opens car doors too I see. He really was trying to work this gentleman act.

I climbed into the car and tried to make myself comfortable in the seat. It was hard though. Everything about this guy made you as uncomfortable as if you'd swallowed a cactus. In fact, since meeting him I felt like I had been ripped out of my comfort zone like a baby being pulled into the world kicking and screaming. Hey, good analogy there Jane. Because, like a baby, I lacked any kind of tools to deal with these feelings I was currently feeling towards this man. Man God. He stuck both lust and total fear into my heart.

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