Chapter 5

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I glanced behind him and even in my shocked state, the ridiculous irony didn't escape me.

There, stretching across the entire length of the wall was the advert. The Azure blue sea, the sand, the 'have sex with me now eyes' and the not-so-subtly suggestive spear.

I glanced from him, to the billboard, and back again. This could not be happening. It was one of those moments that seemed orchestrated, and rehearsed. The billboard was perfectly placed and he was perfect. In fact, he was so damn freakishly perfect, that he looked like he'd been photoshoped and professionally lit and everything around him, the people, the airport and of course that billboard, were just a backdrop for an FHM shoot he was currently starring in. There must be cameras and photographers hiding somewhere.

I could see that all the women in the general vicinity thought the same thing. Several of them were gaping, and one husband hurried his wife away when she ran her tongue over her lips and looked like she was about to lick him like a giant lollipop.

Oh. My. God. No... no...he was moving in my direction. Quickly. Smiling. This was exactly like my dream and I couldn't stop my cheeks from turning crimson. Thank God we aren't capable of telepathy, because right now a phrase was running through my mind...

"Sex! Have sex with me. Airport sex with me... now!"

I turned around to see who he was walking towards, but there was no one standing behind me. Was he walking towards me? Strange waves of panicky-embarrassment almost knocked me off my big feet. He held his hand up and gave a tiny wave.

I turned around again to see if I'd maybe missed someone lurking behind me... but there was no one in sight.

He didn't walk either, no, he sort of strode. Prowled. Stalked. He looked like a man who was about to hunt something large, wrestle it to the ground with his bare hands and then make a key ring out of it while having sex with you now. And he was prowling in my direction. But with each approaching step I was becoming more and more nervous. This was what the awkward morning after must feel like, only it was imaginary sex and he didn't even know he'd had it with me. And I'd seen his penis.

I turned around quickly and started rummaging through my bag for my trusty sunglasses. I quickly put them on, this was something I did regularly when I wanted to disappear behind a screen and it also saved me having the inevitable, "Wow, what happened to your eyes?" conversation. I glanced back at him again... still walking towards me!

He was way too hot to be walking in my direction. I glanced around and I swear I sensed the shock reverberating off of all the cougars: why did he choose to come to me? I suddenly felt completely uncomfortable. I turned around and faced the opposite direction pretending to look off into the distance.

"Jane Smith?" The words were coated in a delicious accent and wafted towards me. His voice was even hotter in real life. I froze in panic. Why was he looking for me?

"Jane Smith? I'm here to fetch you, sorry I lost my sign, but I recognized you from your passport photo."

Act normal Jane. Act natural. Act...

I plastered a smile across my face and turned to face him trying my best impersonation of a casual person. Only it didn't work. Because in that moment, something terribly unfortunate happened.

I'd misjudged his closeness, the size of my bag, the wildness of my overcompensating swing... I'd misjudged everything. My bag collided with his arm, popped open, fell to the floor and vomited its contents everywhere. Things bounced and slid and skidded in various directions. But that wasn't the worst part.

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