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The bell went, signalling the end of school. Sophie Middleton got up from her chair about to leave so she could go to her locker but was pushed back down by someone.
"Hey watch it!" Sophie said when whoever it was recoiled their hands.
"Sorry Sophie but we need to speak. Please stay behind once everyone leaves." Said Mr Bradley. Sophie wanted to say something but knew that if she did, it would result in her getting an afternoon's worth of detention. She thought about making a lame excuse like "Sorry Mr Bradley but I ought to go to volleyball practice."

Once everyone left, Mr Bradley pulled up a chair from the desk next to hers and sat down.
"I know that you are working really hard but I'm afraid that that is not good enough. You see, you are failing your science tests and I'm sorry but if you do not improve drastically over the next few days, I will have no choice but fail you in your final exams. If that is to happen, you will also be graded down a year because you are not doing well in many of your other subjects." Mr Bradley took in a long breath.

Mr Bradley was Sophie's favourite teacher and also her science teacher. This couldn't happen to her... It just couldn't... This would mean she would have to give up all of her activities after school because her parents would need, not want but NEED her to study every spare second she was given. She was studying so hard and what could she say? School was definitely not her strong point. She always got confused and was too scared to put her hand up and ask a question. All she could do was try her hardest and hope for the best. Apparently that wasn't enough...

"But Mr Bradley I'm trying my hardest... I... I just don't get sciency things... This-" Sophie was cut short.
"I know that you can do it with a bit of help, I've emailed your parents saying that they need to give you all the help they can. Looks like your friends want to talk to you. I'll let you go now." Said Mr Bradley.
Sophie turned around and just her luck to find Jessica Mailey with her accomplices, Heather Osten and Maggie Barnie
standing at the door. This couldn't be good. Those girls were bullies. They weren't good at bullying but they were just plain darn annoying!

Authors note:
Hey guys! This is my first book so please don't hate. Tell me if you want longer chapters and I promise that that will happen. Give me lots of feed back and give this book a like! If you want to comment that would be amazing!

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