Ren Faire

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So every summer, it's a tradition for the Bandits to go to a Renaissance fair. Don't judge. Amethyst's parents used to take her to them as a little girl, so she grew attached to them. This year, we are going to be performing as bellydancers. We learned how once when we were all bored and it was so much fun! So here we are, changing our hair so it's appropriate, and picking out bellydancing scarves. We're all wearing purple, big surprise. We have 10:00, 1:00, and 4:00 shows, and in between we can wander the faire as we please. Now it's 12:45, and we're sitting in a tent, getting ready.

 "Do we really have to have our bellies bare?" Violet asks.

"Sweetie, it's called belly dancing for a reason." Lavender replies. We're all wearing skirts, with varying layers in different shades of purple, and sports bras expertly covered by purple scarves strung with silver coins (and by expertly, I mean done by a bunch of random sixteen year old girls) It's finally 10, so we get in position on the small wooden stage, along with another girl. She has dark hair and porcelain skin, and blue-green eyes, and is only a bit taller than five feet. 

I look out into the audience to see someone-well, someones-that I really didn't want to see at a Renaissance faire. The Mauraders. The good news is they're dorks too. We start dancing to the music, and by the time the song ends, I'm glad all I'm wearing on my top is a sports bra and a scarf, or I'd be drowning in sweat. 

"Hey, you dance really well." I tell the other girl.

"Thanks, you too" she says quietly.

"Do you just come here for fun?" I ask the girl, who seems shy.

"Yeah, when I was little I'd always come here. I found out belly dancing is fun and..." She trails off.


We go back into the tent and change into our pirate-type outfits. I braid my hair quickly and leave with my Bandits. 


So there are four belly dancers wearing all purple which had faces exactly like the Bandits. Hmmm. I look closer at them. They all have different hair, thanks to spells, but that is definitely Plum, Amathyst, Lavender, and Violet. Although I didn't know Lavender has her belly button pierced.

Padfoot dragged us out here so he could hit on belly dancers. Not surprising. The show ends, and the dancers went into a tent behind the stage. 

"Those belly dancers were hot." Padfoot says.

"Those belly dancers were Bandits." I tell him.

"Umm okay. They're still hot." 

Five girls come out of the tent, one scampers off towards a guy with blond hair, the other four walk towards the booth with H E N N A written on a banner. Prongs reaches out and grabs Violets arm. She shakes him off and glares at him.

"Yes, Potter?" She looks at him. The Bandits are dressed like pirates, cream chemises, deep red and purple skirts and sashes, and thick black belts with laces in front, along with plain men's belts for pouches and somesuch. She has a curved dagger hanging from her belt, Plum has a saxe knife, Lavender has a rapier, and Amathyst has a thin curved sword. And we are wearing modern clothes. And we are-except or our wands-unarmed. And we can't use magic and make a scene.

"Bandits? At a Renaissance faire?" Padfoot raises his eyebrows.

"Marauders? At a Renaissance faire?" Lavender mimics him and raises her eyebrows.

"Touché" I ship them. Lavius is their ship name. 

"We're here because belly dancing is fun, what's your excuse?" Amathyst speaks up.

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