The War part 1

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We use muggle energy drinks to keep us up. Soon enough, we hear a window slide open, and I see Black, Potter, Lupin, and Peter jump in with broomsticks. I grin inwardly and look up through slitted eyes. 

"Find their hair dye. Take it! Prongs and I will get to work on their hair." Black whispers, and pulls out a match. He lights it, and comes to my bed first. I roll over in my emerald green tank top, leaving the purple portion of my hair easily accessible. He opens the curtain and peers in. I see him smile. Not grin, smile. Huh. It quickly flickers away, leaving a devilish grin. He takes the match and starts to burn the ends of my hair off. With all my won't-power, I stay still. He finally finishes and moves on to Am. They're about to leave when I swish my wand and a few buckets of purple slime dump on their heads, not a drop landing on the carpet. They look at themselves in disgust, but still grab their brooms and leave. The room now smells like burnt hair. Lovely.


I wake up and grow my hair back out, purple with dark brown roots. Again. We walk into the Great Hall in our usual fashion, our hair has a charm or sixteen crapzillion on it to make it flow elegantly behind us. The Marauders stare at it for longer than needed, especially since Plums is down to her ass. Happens to be that they're all staring at her hair. Well, except for Potter, who's staring at Lav, who's hair is a bit longer than armpit length, since she decided to have it longer than before. Happens to be.

"Problem, Black?" That's girl speech for 'stop staring at my friends ass'.

"No, not at all, Ammie" I walk up to him and smack him on the cheek.

"Don't call me that, Black." Only Mum calls me that.

"Last name basis? That stings, Amethyst, it really does." He puts his hand on his heart in mock hurt.

"No, that's your face, unfortunately I couldn't get the ugly off it." I hear several 'oooooooh's from around us.

"Lee you will pay for my hair" he threatens. I smirk.

"Didn't pay last time, ain't gonna pay this time."

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