Morning rabbles

533 17 2

Sirius because I feel like it

The Bandits walk in. I can't help but stare at them. How are they all so perfect? Plum, her brown skin and Puerto Rican heritage (Lily told me), her softly dyed hair. Amethyst, her edgy look, her edgier hair. Violet, her bright blue eyes, her long, long purple hair. Lavender, her black eyebrow piercing, her pastel hair. I feel my eyes look at them of there own accord. Amethyst stands up and says something. 

"That goes for you, too, Black," is all I caught. My eyes snap up to her face.

"Sorry, Amethyst. Although most girls would enjoy me staring." I hope playing cocky bad boy will help.

"Thanks Black, but you aren't my type." No it won't.

"Then what is?" Curiosity, why do you do this?

"Boys who I haven't dated and aren't insufferable toe rags, so definitely not you." Oof. That stung.

"So who is your type then?" She turns back to the Bandits.

"Well, gals, who is our type?" I hope they don't say quiet good boys. Then they start pointing.

Their eyes land on the Slytherin table.







"Him" oof. Too many evil Slytherins.

They look at the Hufflepuff table.





"Him" ok, not bad.

They look at the Ravenclaw table.






"Him" there better be a bunch of Gryffindor boys.

They look at the Gryffindor table. We are all silent for a minute. She points at Peter.


We all stare at her. Peter? Why? He's insane. He's just a little fat dumb kid! I'm so amazing! I finally speak up.

"Why?" My voice is quiet.

"He is in your little group. You pick on him. He acts crazy, he's really just lonely. Because sometimes it's easier to pretend. To lie. To act. Than admit how damaged and alone you really feel. I am Lavender Night. We are the Bandits. We think that anyone telling you you're something you're not is a bad person. Speaking of which," She walks to Prongs and punches him in the nose. She goes to me and... FLUFFS UP MY HAIR. Remus has to hold me back so I don't pummel her for touching  my hair.

"THIS MEANS WAR NIGHT," I shout. She puts her beautiful face near mine and I can see her eyes well. She has eyes a bit like Bellatrix's. But hers are beautiful. Why does she keep doing this? It gets my hopes up.

"Then war you shall get, Black" She says softly. I smirk. This always works.

"I can see down your blouse, Night" I whisper. She doesn't blush.

"I can see down your fasaud, Black. I'm not wearing a blouse" She whispers back. I realize that she's wearing an emerald green tank top under her black jacket. Dammit, Sirius! Bandits don't wear the uniform! What does fasaud* mean?

*fasaud is actually facade but is pronounced fasaud and means act or mask-type reputation.

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