Dreamer lost in the clouds...

239 33 18

This was my other entry to a local competition entitled 'Dream'. Please comment because I value your opinion- just don't ask me what stuff means because I probably won't know : )

A dreamer

lost in the clouds


for a ladder


One day,

he finds it.

Narrow and cracked.

But it will hold,

he hopes.

But before he takes

his second step

it breaks

and he falls.

It is a long way down,


than he expected,

and his landing

is harder,


than he expected.

He stands.

"Oi! Get out of the way!"

calls a sergeant,

his moustache

perfectly trimmed.

So the dreamer

steps aside

to watch

the elephants

march with pride,

their trunks gleaming.

A siren goes off

in B flat


Mice scurry

to their underground


just escaping

from the hungry birds

searching for prey.

The siren changes key.

But it never stops.

A dreamer

looks at the clouds

and searches

for a ladder


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