Tara Young - 5

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Tara was leashed and put in the dog kennel that her family had in the car specifically for her. She couldn't wait for this night to be over. Lyn's and Kayla's mom had gotten an Abusie pregnant and wanted to get some tips on how to properly abuse a young one. Michelle was all to happy to show her some.
When they arrived, the cage door was unlocked and Tara was walked out like the dog her family wanted her to be. After they were all let in and the pleasantries passed on, Tara was positioned on all fours next to the seat her mother had chosen. Michelle and Hillary, Lyn's and Kayla's mom, started talking. The girls had went into Lyn's and Kayla's room.
After a while Hillary took Michelle to see the pregnant women. They didn't return for awhile and Tara was left in the living room. She was beganing to think that she wouldn't abused at much as she had thought. Then she heard someome approaching. She figured it must've been Lyn's and Kayla's sister. They only had mentioned her twice, and Tara could tell that they didn't like her.
The girl had just gotten out of the shower. She was naked and had a towel wrapped around her hair. She first passed Tara, then stopped and walked back in front of her. Tara kept her head down. The girl bent down, Tara averted her eyes from thd girl's face. The girl then grabbed Tara's chin and forced Tara to look her in the face. Tara then saw who it was, the mystery girl.
The mystery girl smiled at Tara as she let go of her chin and grabbed Tara's leash. Then she brought Tara to her room, Tara followed. Tara was extremely happy to see the mystery girl again. It felt like it had been forever since she saw her. The mystery girl closed the door behind them.
"Up." Said the mystery girl, indicating for Tara to get up on her bed.
Tara got up on the mystery girl's bed and layed there. The mystery girl openend a drawer and pulled out fuzzy handcuffs. Tara was again puzzled by this mystery girl.
"Hands." Said the mystery girl.
Tara gave both of her hands to the mystery girl expecting to be bound to the bed. However the mystery girl put one cuff on Tara's right hand and the other on her own left hand. Tara was surprised by this, the mystery girl had handcuffed them together. Tara didn't know what to think or say, but as she tried to say something, the mystery girl quieted het.
"Sh." Said the mystery girl.
Tara was quiet as she lay on the mystery girl's bed. The mystery girl had gotten a book that was close to her bed. She had also moved her desk chair to the end of the bed closest to Tara's head. The mystery girl sat in the chair and read her book.
It was complete silence and Tara didn't quite know what to do. She just layed there and tried not to disturb the mystery girl. Tara was very happy that the mystery girl had taken an interest in her.


It had become time that Tara's family was ready to leave. Tara knew it was time, she didn't want to leave. The mystery girl took the handcuffs off and put them up. She slid her desk chair back to her desk. The mystery girl came back and stood over Tara. The mystery girl let her fingers dance on Tara's breasts, then down her stomach , and around her vagina. Then she shoved her pinky finger in Tara's vagina and turned away as she put it in her mouth. The mystery girl turned back toward Tara and gave her a smile, with her pinky still in her mouth.
Tara couldn't stop thinking about the mystery girl, as she was forcefully put back in the dog kennel. When they arrived home, it was high past midnight. None of them took Tara in and she spent the night out in the dog kennel in the car.


Three years had passed and Tara hadn't seen the mystery girl since. Apparently she had turned eighteen and was made into an abuser. The mystery girl's family hadn't heard from her since then. Tara herself was turning eighteen tomorrow and her family was holding a party to see her off. Sadly Tara was the entertainment for her own going away party.
She was tied to the bed in the abuse room. Joanne had already had her turn, as well did everyone else, except her sisters and Michelle. Oddly enough she did what she had done the first time Tara was in the abuse room. Joanne sat her bare ass on Tara's face, nit granting Tara any air. She also put out a good amount of cigarettes on Tara's skin. Most were around and on her boobs, some however were right on the outside of her vagina.
Tara was still crying as Michelle entered the room. Michelle locked the door. She sat in the chair next to the bed. Tara was unsure of what her mother was doing and in too much pain to pain attention.
"I bet you hate me and your sisters, for everything we've done. However, I still love you. As hard as that may be for you to comprehend, I really do love you. I hope that whatever happens, if you become an abusie or abuser, that you find joy in your new life." Said Michelle.
The rest of the night was a blur to Tara. She was surprised and brought to tears when her mother said those kind words. She had always assumed that her family loved her, even though they abused her daily, but hearing it was something else. Tara cried the rest of the night as she finally felt that love she so much craved for.

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