Tara Young - 6 (Fin)

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Tara awoke the next day. She was woken by a government official, she was put in chains and cuffs and then into a dog kennel as the Government officials drove away. They drove for what felt like forever to Tara. Tara was greatful to be starting a new life, however she already missed her family. Even though her family had abused and beaten her, there were the good times, before she became an object of abuse. She dwelled on those days as they drove to their destination.
Eventually they stopped and Tara waitied in anticipation of what she would be chosen as. She was lead inside by a lengthy blond haired women. Tara was able to stand as she was lead inside, Tara was thankful for this. As she was lead she pondered over what she would do if she was chose to be an abuser. She had never abused anyone before, she wouldn't know what to do. She also pondered what her mistress or master would be like. She hoped that her mistress or master would be a kind one, easy to please, one that maybe isn't too hurtful.
Tara was brought before a member of the council, one of the male members. She was instructed to sit in a seat across from him. Tara listened to them and sat down. A girl came in and removed the chains and cuffs from Tara. The man had gentle eyes and talked kindly with Tara.
"I have bad news and good news." He paused, then continued. "The bad news is that despite a number of council members wanting you to become an Abuser, it was unanimously decided that you would be an Abusie." He paused letting that sink in. "The good news is that this had been decided as of your turning seventeen."
"What? I thought you decided on the day I turn eighteen. Today." Said Tara confused.
"No thats a lie. We decide if you'll be an Abusie or Abuser by the time your seventeen. Doing so lets us put Abusies on the market faster and therefore they can start their new lives of servitude immediately."
"How is this good news?" Asked Tara clearly disappointed by the councils decision.
"You have already been bought and your mistress is here, to try you out."
"What is this mistress like?" Asked Tara trying to not let herself get too down.
"Thats the strange thing. She's new, only twenty years of age and your the first Abusie she's bid on." Said the man. Tara's mind raced to the possibility of it being the mystery girl. Tara knew the possibility wasn't very high, but she thought it was worth a chance, the mystery girl was roughly two years older than Tara, so there had to be chance.
"She has intsructed that you put these and this on." The man said as he was pulling out fuzzy handcuffs, coincidentally the exact same as the type the mystery girl had, and a blindfold. Tara put them on.
"I wish you well." Was the last thing the man said as Tara was led away and brought into an abuse room.
Tara lay in wait of her mistress, tied down on the bed, unsure of what to expect.


Tara had layed there for quite sometime before her mistress came in. The door opened and her mistress walked in. Tara braced herself for what may be coming. She felt someone get on the bed.
Tara then felt a tongue touch her vagina and Tara's face went complete red. Her mistress was licking her vagina fiercely, Tara was unsure how to react. She had never had anything like this happen to her, except for the mystery girl. Could this be her? Tara asked herself, uncertain if she actually wanted the answer.
Tara began rocking back and forth, as she came close to climaxing. Tara thiught that her mistress wouldn't let her cum and would stop licking at the last second. However, her mistress kept on licking. Tara tried to hold out, not wanting to anger her new mistress. Eventually, though, it became to much for Tara and she cumed all over her mistresses face. Some even went into her mistresses mouth.
Her mistress then got up and wiped the remaining cum off of her face and Tara's vagina. Tara's mistress stood above Tara. She was admiring Tara's body.
"I've been waiting to do that, since the first day I saw you." Said her mistress.
Tara's mind began to panick at who it could possibly be. Could it be one of her old schoolmates? Someone her family had let abuse her? Who is this mystery- as that thought went into Tara's mind, she realized who her mistress must be. Her mistress removed the blindfold from Tara's face. Tara was greeted with a smile she hadn't seen in years. It was the mystery girl and Tara couldn't be more happy that she was now the mystery girl's personal slave.
"Lets go home." Said the mystery girl.
The mystery girl took Tara to her new home and new life. Tara was undeniably happy. She couldn't wait till they got home.


Author's note:

This is the end of the story of Tara Young. I hope you enjoyed it. Feedback is very much appreciated.

Yours truly

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2016 ⏰

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