Chapter 10 - First Impressions

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It didn't take long to get back to the dorms. After we turned the corner, Cole walked in front of me and Ashton. I could see the marvellous view of his broad shoulders flexing. Shut up! You're in love with Brad Simpson don't forget! 'You're not a 'cheater.' Lol get it? No? Okay.

"Enjoying the view?" Ashton inquired from my right. I turned away from him so he couldn't see me blushing.

The silence felt deafening so, I try to bring up conversation.
"How did you guys meet Jayden?"


Then I did the stupidest thing ever.
I stopped.


That was when the guy who was walking unnoticed behind me became well...


I waited for the searing pain but, it never came. A pair of arms wrapped themselves around my waist bringing me closer to them. And as we tumbled to the floor I got away with a cut on my knee.

The other guy though.

If I had thought to take my phone out and capture this romantic moment I would have. But I didn't.

The guy that had bumped into me I noticed as Alex Miko. He was in my calculus class. Well anyway....

He was sat- sorry 'straddling' Ashton and staring at him in pure shock. Alex scrambled off and accidentally kneed Ashton where the sun don't shine. While Ashton crouched and winced at the pain, I finally realised I was in the same position as Ashton and Alex but...

With Cole.

Think of a joke come on!

But he beat me to it.
"So much for first impressions." I giggled and sat up sliding to his left and sitting on the gravel next to him.
He followed me and brought my leg up to him.

"I'll fix that." All I could do was nod and use him for support to get to my dorm and let him bandage me up.


I hissed at him as he wiped the cut on my knee with that alcohol stuff.

"Sorry." he quickly stated leaning back. I nodded to tell him to carry on and get it over with. He finished bandaging my knee and I hopped of the counter.

"Thank you." I quickly stated before he could walk away.
He simply nodded and made his way to the door. I slowly followed to bid Cole goodbye when my foot got tangled on the strap of my travel bag that was sticking out from under the bed.

I flew forward and unfortunately landed in the same position with the same person as earlier.


"Urgh...ummm...I'm sorry...I.."

I abruptly stopped when a hand was put over my mouth.

Uh oh!

"Don't talk." Was the last thing I heard before Cole crashed his lips with mine. It took me a second to process what was going on but instead of stopping it I...

Started moving in sync and enjoyed the moment.

If only this was my first kiss. Then it would have been perfect. I thought to myself.

Eventually, because we are human and need oxygen to live, we both pulled apart and took a breath.
Well a few actually.

"Wow." He admitted. That made me blush and I had to look away so he wouldn't notice.

"I hear church bells!" Okay that was not me or Cole. My eyes widened in realisation. Ashton!

I looked up and jumped back in shock when I saw Ashton was accompanied with...


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