-Chapter 15: Awaiting The Future-

Start from the beginning

I try to change the subject off of Luca and it doesn't work, saying the first thing that comes to my mind really isn't helpful in this situation right now. I regret asking it as soon as the expression on Mr. Keller's face changes.

''Do you know why Luca looks like that?'' I ask, meaning his red eyes and stub of an arm. I just felt curious and I wanted to know badly ever since I met Luca.

Mr. Keller stops stroking his beard for a second and looks up at me with an expression I cannot read. I think he prefers it to be unread.

''I honestly don't know. I don't think anyone knows, not even his parents. I've had my theories but in the end they came up as failures. I've always pitied Luca in a way, because I know something caused him to look like that. I've always blamed his mother, but I've never had any proof. Don't ask Luca, because he doesn't know why he looks like that either.''

I close my eyes knowing that he wouldn't have an answer because nobody does. Luca is special, in a way where nobody else is the same. Nothing, without proof, can be explained for what he is or why he looks like he does, so I change the subject again.

''Is Luca going to be alright?'' I ask, getting my hopes up, especially for the baby. I put my hands to my stomach protectively. I could hear my voice cracking and breaking asking the question because I'm afraid of the answer.

Mr. Keller suddenly turns his head, eyes, and attention away from me. He doesn't want to answer the question, if he does, it will be a vague one. I can see him having a hard time thinking about my question, which must mean only one thing, I register it as soon as he tells me it, making my heart sink to my stomach.

''He's not going to make it Jessalyn, spend as much time as you can with him. We don't know how long he has but it's not long. You should be in there right now, not wasting precious time talking to me.''

I feel the tears return, but I refuse to cry in front of this man, I will try my best not to do it in front of my husband. I don't want him to see me cry and ask me what for. I don't want him to know what awaits him, I don't even want to know it. I wanted to have a husband and a family with him, I let my fingers run over my stomach.

God will never show me any mercy...

''Your right.''

I let my body take me to the bedroom where Luca is occupied in and I tap on the door a few times before entering. The sight of him laying in the bed makes the water works almost come out. I won't be able to survive the night, knowing he might die tomorrow. He already has the confused, worried look on his face he displays quite often around me.

''Jessalyn, what's wrong?'' He asks putting his arms out for me to run to. I don't hesitate in running to them, I want to be comforted by them and to never be released from them.

His warm, shaky breath runs down my back and I put my arms around his neck. I allow my fingers to dig into his blonde hair. He is surprised by my sudden need for him and he plants a kiss on my lips, which makes me only want more.

I tell myself that kissing him and doing all of these things to appreciate and love him will help us both realize what's to come and how to overpower it, but I know that it'll only make me worse. I ignore both thoughts and I just allow myself to kiss him, not caring about anything else in the world.

His lips are sweet, but cracked open with blood. His hands smooth out on my back and starts to rub me slowly. I can tell he's enjoying himself. The familiar warmth from kissing him shoots through my entire body. My tongue searches for his and I know this is not a very lady-like thing to do. People wouldn't approve, but they don't approve of monsters kissing anyways.

A Kidnapper's Nightmare (Sequel to A Kidnapper's Dream/Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now