"You'll see when we get there" I told him, bracing myself to start the car.

"More like if we get there" he scoffed, noticing my hesitance.

"I haven't driven in three years because of you. Be patient"

I ignored Michael's glare at me and he let out a dramatic sigh, reaching over the console to turn the key in the ignition for me. The car rumbled to life and I gripped the steering wheel with both hands.

"Just let me drive" he let out an exasperated sigh and unbuckled, ready to switch places with me when I stopped him.

"No! I can do this"

Michael looked down at his hand, seeing mine placed ontop of it and I removed it quickly, blushing profusely.

"Anyways," I mumbled, not making eye contact with him, "I can do this, just give me a second"

"I gave you more than just a second, Miley. Just let me drive, or we can just not go at all"

"We have to go" I declared, speaking sternly. No matter what, I was taking him out today, whether he wanted to or not.


"Just hold on a second, okay? I can do this" I snapped, wanting him to just trust me. I ignored his stare at the side of my head and shifted the car into drive. It was already facing the road, so reverse wasn't needed.

Gripping the steering wheel till my knuckles turned white, I pushed my foot down on the accelorator, the car beginning to inch forwards and out of our driveway.

We didn't talk as I drove, Michael stared out the window as I kept my eyes locked on the road. This reminded me of when I was first learning to drive, yet I was much more eager than this.

"You doing okay?" Michael's surprisingly soft voice broke through the silence, yet I didn't let my eyes stray from the road.

I hummed in response, not wanting to loose focus, until I felt Michael's hand touch my shoulder, and I tensed more.

"I would've been fine with-"

"Spending the day in bed, I know" I cut him off, my gaze still not straying.

"Spending the day with you" he corrected me, removing his hand from my shoulder.

"That's what we're doing right now" I pointed out to him. He let out a sigh, giving up.

"Fine, you win. Now where are you taking me?"






We made it.

All in one piece, too.

Parking the car, I turned it off, slowly taking my hands off the wheel and allowing them to return to their red color. I took a breath of relief.

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