Chapter 6 - Saved By The Snape

Start from the beginning

"She thinks she's better than us 'cause she's Snape's pet." the blonde said to Renee venomously. Upon hearing her professor's name, they caught her attention. "I seem to have hit a nerve?" she smirked evilly.

"Oh yeah. You know how she hangs out with that greasy git of a professor all day. They probably spend hours brewing potions that would finally be able to clean off the huge grease stains on the git's stupid outfit, if you could call it that." the brown-haired snorted. Renee's fists were clenched so hard that her palms were becoming sore.

"Or worse, they probably make out! Eeew, they'd snog 'til the wee hours of-"

"STUPEFY!" Renee bellowed, unable to hold herself any longer. The Ravenclaws flew across the hall and crashed onto the floor, landing on their backs. Both of them whimpered in pain as they tried to stand, but their attempts were futile. They started to cry loudly, the sound of their ear-piercing voices filling up the Great Hall. Students who witnessed the scene gasped and stared at Renee in horror.

Renee heard once that Ravenclaws were only good at theoretical stuff, not practical ones, and she smirked when she realised she proved that theory. Approaching the two whimpering bitches, she placed her left foot on the blonde's chest and pressed the tip of her wand on the brown-haired's cheek.

"I hope you like that. I could do it again if you want," Renee sneered threateningly, only loud enough for the two of them to hear. The students started to murmur in panic.

"MS. CAPULET! What have you done?!" McGonagall shouted after seeing her in such an antagonistic position.

Renee withdrew her wand and just stood there, motionless. Even as the awareness of her actions finally sunk in, she still did not regret attacking the girls.

"Explain yourself! What did these two girls do that could possibly warrant such an attack?" McGonagall asked angrily. Renee simply clenched her wand hard, stared at the girls, then at the livid professor, without saying a word.

"You know very well that attacking a fellow student is against the rules! I thought... You of all people! Your professors spoke highly of you, most especially Severus. But your behaviour has deemed their praises erroneous!" she shouted with obvious house prejudice. "You ought to receive due punishment." she added aggressively.

So Snape spoke highly of me? Renee thought. She knew that wasn't the time for her to be pleased, but she couldn't help it, though she was disappointed at herself. She did not know what Snape would think of her after he hears about the incident.

Just then, a deep, velvety voice that Renee couldn't get enough of spoke from her back, startling her. "I shall handle this, Minerva. She is under my house. Capulet, in my office. Now." Snape said smoothly.

Renee went ahead of him, relieved to finally get out of the Great Hall. As they made their way to the dungeons, she could hear Snape's footsteps from behind her, making her feel incredibly apprehensive. When they reached his office, both of them sat down with scowls on their faces.

"I expected better from you." Snape said, his voice low and obviously disappointed.

Renee exhaled deeply. "Please, Professor, believe me when I say that I wouldn't do things without a reason." she said, feeling a familiar sting her eyes which she tried her best to control.

Snape looked at her with his brows furrowed. "And what might your reason be?" he asked.

Renee's heart was beating so fast that she could almost feel it thump beyond her skin. "She... provoked me." she admitted.

"A mere provocation and you lose control of yourself?" he asked bitterly.

She squinted to prevent pathetic salty liquids from falling down her eyes. "It wasn't just that." she stated, her voice breaking.

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