Mystery Trio 2nd Generation part 1: Out of the House

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Samantha POV~

I woke up at like, 8:00 in the morning, even though I went to bed at like 4:00. I got up out of my bed and got ready for the day. I put on my favorite blue jersey, jeans, and my muddy boots.

I walked downstairs and saw I was the only one awake. I got bored so I went into the woods with my uncle Ford's 1st journal, cuz I knew if I went in there without it, I'd be dead meat in a second. I heard the water from a nearby river flow through the woods, and the rustling of untamed leaves from past fall. I heard talking from behind me, so I froze with fear. I finally built up the mental will power to walk over to the talking. I heard it coming closer, so I climbed up a tree, reaching a good height, so they wouldn't see me.

I looked down below me, and saw little men with giant red hats and white, black, and brown beards. They looked to be carrying some pastries, I could tell they were from lazy Susans diner. It was pie! Mmmm pie. Anyway, they were carrying pies, which I wanted, and they were talking about something I couldn't make out. When they left, I jumped down from the tree. Word of advice, NEVER, ever jump out of a tree when you're 5 to 6 feet from the ground. I fell on my side, I knew I couldn't cry out in pain, so I bit the inside of my cheek.

'Wait, THE JOURNAL!' I scrambled to my feet, searching for the journal. I face palmed myself when I found it in the brown bag I slung over my shoulders.

"SAMANTHA?!" Oh crap. Dad. If he found out that I was out here alone, he'd kill me! I heard fast footsteps, so I dove into a bush.

I peeked through the leaves, and saw dad searching and calling for me frantically. I felt bad. I wanted to yell to him, tell him I was okay, but I couldn't. Soon enough, uncle Ford and Fiddleford came too.

"Stanley, I'm sure she's around here some where." I heard my uncle say to my father.

"Yeah Samantha's a bright girl, I'm sure she's fine." I also heard Fiddleford's thick southern accent.

"What if she isn't?!" Dad said, he sounds like he's been crying a bit.

I sigh, knowing what I must do.

"I'm over here!" I yell, and come out from the bush.

The others look at me, and my dad brings me into a bear hug. I snuggle up to both his warm embrace, and his chubby belly. I think of his chub as a pillow in his tummy.

"Why were you out here alone Sam?" Dad asks me, I shrug.

"I got bored, and I fell out of a tree." I reply.

"Wait what?! Are you okay? Can you still feel your arm?" Dad continuously asked me, putting me down.

"Dad, I'm fine, I can still feel everything, it just really hurt, that's all. Oh! And I saw some gnomes carrying pie." I say, remembering the cherry pies.

"Really? Huh, those have to be from lazy Susans diner." Uncle Ford says, rubbing his butt chin. Heh heh, butt.

"Yeah, hey listen, can we get back to the shack? I'm getting the willies out here." I ask, shuddering.

Dad nods and picks me up his his arms, and we all head back to the shack, where I soon meet up with my friends, who were waiting for me.

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