Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"YOU ARE SO DEAD!" John yelled at Sherlock who was splashing him then ran to the shore before he could react.

"That's not fair!" He said trying to sound mad, but wasn't doing a good job because of the huge grin on his face.

"Try to get me, fishy boy!" Sherlock teased.

"You are such a child." John laughed as he made a huge splash with his tail, getting the other boy wet. Sherlock yelped and stepped back. He ran over to a tall rock that went into the water and sat on top of it. He kicked his legs in the water, splashing John.

"Is that all you got?" John laughed as he splashed Sherlock back. They were acting like complete ten year olds, but they didn't care. Right now they were focusing on vengeance.

Sherlock stood up and jumped into the water, grabbing John. He wrapped his arms around his neck tightly and John tried to get him off. John splashed and spun around, but didn't want to go underwater with Sherlock on his back. Finally the tall boy slid off and swam to the shore. He sat down to try to catch his breath.

John laid down in the water in front of him, still lightly splashing him.

"I..." Sherlock breathed heavily, "Won." He smirked.

"No, I got you soaked and you know it!"

"But you could never get me off your back."

"You ran up to the land like a coward."

"You so wish you had legs."

"And you so wish you had these." John raised up his arms to flex his muscles, and Sherlock rolled his eyes.


"I want you stay here all weekend." John sighed.

"Me too, but I can't exactly live in the water like you." Sherlock replied.

They were leaning against the rock in the water, staring up at the night sky.

"Why dose the sky turn dark? Does the sun just go away for a while then come back?" John asked, just saying what was on his mind. He never got to learn things the humans did. He only knew things he needed to, like fighting and taking care of his species.

Sherlock tilted his head,"I think... I think the Earth turns, and the sun stands still. When we turn away from the sun, the sky goes dark."

"The Earth is moving?"

"Yeah. We're spinning 1038 miles per hour."

"But if we're spinning... Why can't we feel it?"

"Because of gravity. It keeps us in place so we don't fall off."

John nodded, "That's kind of cool. You're smart."

"Yes I am, but that was just stuff I learned in primary school."

They continued to stare up at the sky, oblivious to what time it was. Sherlock yawned and leaned his head against John's shoulder, which made him catch his breath. He looked down at his dark curls and the movements of his chest.

"Sleepy?" John asked quietly.

"Mmhm." Sherlock hummed, closing his eyes.

"Maybe you should go back to your room, then. I hardly think the lake is a good place to sleep."

"True, but I'm not leaving."

"Why not?"

"Because," he looked up and locked eyes with John, "you can't come with me."

John didn't know what to say. They just stared at each other. Even though they always stared at each other, this time felt different. It made John hear his heartbeat in his ears and his face burn. He tried to read Sherlock's face, but he stayed emotionless. His eyes moved down to gazed at his cupid bow lips. He wondered what they felt- No! What was he thinking? Sherlock was a human. John was strictly forbidden from getting involved with their kind, much less talk to them.

Sherlock studied John's face. Even in the evening light he could see the signs: dilated pupils, quickened breath, blush creeping up his neck. Sherlock furrowed his eyebrows slightly. John couldn't possibly like him... Could he? Sherlock wondered if he had feeling towards John. Of course he cared for him, he thought he was attractive, he was interesting and funny...

Sherlock's eyes widened. He /did/ like John. He leaned in slowly, getting their faces closer together. He smiled and closed his eyes.

John's eyes widened in fear and he jerked back. He cleared his throat,

"Well, um, I'm sorry, but I think you should go now." He teared his eyes away from Sherlock's gaze, not daring to make eye contact. Sherlock opened his eyes and his smile fell as he felt his heart break. Had he been wrong?

"Oh... Okay then." He slowly got up and walked out of the water. He turned to tell John that he would see him tomorrow, but he was gone. He must've swam away.

'Stupid.' Sherlock mentally slapped himself. Of course John didn't have feelings for him like that, he wasn't even human for God's sake! But the signs were all there and Sherlock was hardly ever wrong. He looked back one last time then sprinted back to his dorm. Since John left, he couldn't use the cano to get back, so he had to take the long way through the woods.

'Stupid stupid stupid.'


John darted underwater and swam as fast as he could. He was so close to kissing a human! That was /not/ supposed to happen. He knew that if he got too attached to Sherlock, he would never be able to leave. Mermaids, like sharks, have to be always swimming forward. Never back. John is just barely surviving in this freshwater lake.

He decided to swim a few laps, to calm himself down and to think. He thought about how Sherlock was getting very close to him. How he could see the pain in his eyes when he jumped back. How he was staring at him. John closed his eyes in shame. How could he just do that to him? He was a coward. But Sherlock was human! If his family ever found out, he would be an outcast.

John kept swimming and swimming until his muscles ached. He finally went back into his cave and fell asleep instantly and began to dream of Sherlock.


'Stupid stupid stupid.'

Sherlock scolded himself. He made a choice a long time ago that he would never let idiotic things like sentiment and emotions bring him down, but now here he is wide awake at 2 AM and on the verge of tears because of some merman. He disgusted himself. Sherlock rolled over and buried his face in his pillow.

'Maybe I could suffocate myself if I don't move.' He just wanted it to stop. The pain in his chest, the lump in his throat, the image in his mind of John's terrified face.

He just didn't want to feel anything.


Welp... I guess I'll go sit in the corner now.

DON'T WORRY!! The next chapter will be MUCH better. I promise.

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Thank you! Love you all!!!


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