Chapter 1

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Credit to @thenerdcorner on Instagram for this amazing cover! 


Chapter 1

John swam around in the water, twisting and turning, with only the moon as light. He liked coming out at night when everyone was asleep. He was free to jump out and not be afraid of being noticed. The merman jumped out of the water, spun in the air, then landed back into the water with a perfect dive. He laid on his back and let the fiery colored scales on his tail glisten in the midnight light. He laughed and splashed around, but suddenly stopped when he noticed someone walking down the hill that led into town and headed towards the dock. John quickly dove underwater before anyone could see him.

Sherlock walked down the hill, consumed in his thoughts. He needed a break from all the stupid people back at the university. He just needed to be alone. He ruffled his dark curls as he walked out onto the dock. He sat down at the end, took off his shoes, and put his feet into the lake, kicking them slightly. He noticed someone peaking their head out of the water not that far in front of him, 

"A bit late for a swim, don't you think?" He called out to the blonde man.  

"I always swim here at night." John answered. He didn't mean for the human to see him, but he had never really seen one so close before. He was just curious.  

"Oh, it calms you down I suppose?" The tall boy asked.  

"Something like that." John replied.  

Sherlock lifted his head up a bit, "Ah, you're a swimmer then. Isn't it cold?" His feet felt frozen dipped into the water.  

John shrugged, "I'm just used to it, I guess."  

"Oh." He said nodding. Sherlock never really liked swimming. Actually it terrified him. The other boy seemed very interesting, considering how deep the water is. He heard it went down for at least 80 feet.  

"How old are you then, 20?" 


"That's cool. I'm 17, do you go to the college up here?" He asked the blonde boy.  

John shook his head, "No. I just live around here." He said gesturing towards a random direction.  

"That explains why I've never seen you before."  

"What's your name?" John asked tilting his head.  

The dark haired boy stuck out his hand, "Sherlock. Sherlock Holmes." 

"John." He swam closer to Sherlock and shook his hand firmly, making his fins disappear under his skin.  

"What are you doing out here so late, Sherlock?" 

Sherlock sat back and sighed, "I needed to be alone for a while. That school is filled with idiots."  

John nodded, "I know how much those kind of people can get on your nerves. I guess you can't fix stupid, though." He gave him a small smile.  

Sherlock looked at John and smiled back, "No you can't. Believe me, I've tried." He was starting to think John wasn't that bad. He rather enjoyed talking to him. John gave a short laugh which made his stomach flutter. Wait, why did it do that? Sherlock looked down at his watch and groaned, 

"Sorry, I need to go. Maybe I could... See you again tomorrow?" He asked hopefully.  

John smiled happily, "Yes! That would be nice." 

Sherlock smiled back widely, "Great!" He stood up and started to put his shoes back on.  

John watched his legs with interest. He wondered what it was like to have long legs like that.  

"I have classes until 3 but I have to meet Molly until 5 so I could meet you then. Shall we meet here?" Sherlock noticed John checking out his legs, 

"Eyes up here, John." He said with a smirk.  

John felt a blush creep up his neck, "Uh, yeah. That sounds fine." 

"That water is awfully cold, do get out soon. I would hate it if you were sick tomorrow." 

"Don't worry, I'll get out in a little bit." John said smiling at his concern.  

"Good. See you soon then." Sherlock gave him one last smile and headed back up the hill.

John waited till he was sure Sherlock couldn't see him, then he opened up his fins and swam underwater kicking his tail behind him. He couldn't seem to wipe the smile off his face. He couldn't wait to see him again.

Sherlock walked to the university, happier than when he left. The smile spread across his lips never faded as he thought about his new friend, something he hadn't had for a while. Tomorrow couldn't get here fast enough.


Ok so this is me trying to write Mermaidlock. You like? Don't worry, this doesn't mean I'm abandoning Three Long Years. I'm actually almost done with chapter 14 on that one. Yay! Please vote and comment. Thank you!! 


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