Guide :) (apperance)

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So in my description I said I would include how to be a fish, so without further delay here it is :D

So what you want to do first is get the right attire. Like pants and underwear and shirt. You want to have the best color ever, but also fit in with the native fish around you. The biggest population around me is flounder. So I went with a bright blue shirt, you're gonna wanna make sure it's waterproof and can conceal heat (it gets cold in the winter). After you get the technical side of the material you can do the fun part! Picking design! For me, I got a yellow patch that runs from the middle of my chest to my pubic bone. And a scale-like pattern on the legs. Now, unless you can find them at a store (I couldn't), you have to make the fins. The dorsal fin is pretty easy, you have to get a thicker material, like blubber, and make the shape you want. I went with one that looks like the back of a rainbow trout. The process of making them is really similar to making a fursuit, if you've ever heard of one. If you haven't is the suit people wear when they dress up as animals. To be honest I don't really support them because they only dress up as animals not become animals. But I guess whatever they want to do. They're quite good artists. Anyway after you make the fin you're gonna want to apply it on your back, whether you use adhesives or just a strap is totally up to you. I personally use both to make sure it's gonna stay.  Then repeat the process but for the two swimming fins. Make sure you make them a little curves so it's easier to swim. After that you're pretty much done for looks! 💘🐟

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